Trademark Opposition In Mathura

A trademark opposition in Mathura can be raised under different sections like the absolute grounds, relative ground, use of prohibited marks, or even concerning the opposed trademark's proprietorship. The prevailing trademark law does not provide any specific grounds as such for the opposition.

But there are various reasons why a trademark might get opposition in Mathura. Here we have mentioned them below:

  • A trademark gets opposition in Mathura if in case it is similar or identical to an earlier existing registered trademark
  • The trademark is devoid of the distinctive character
  • The trademark is descriptive
  • The trademark registration application is hurting the religious sentiments of any community
  • The trademark may get opposition in Mathura in case if it is likely to deceive the public or create any confusion
  • The trademark is contradicting to the law or is prevented by the law
  • The trademark is prohibited under the Emblem and Names Act,1950.
  • The Trademark contains the matter that is likely to hurt any class or section of people.
  • The trademark may also get opposition in Mathura if it is made by bad faith.

Trademark Opposition In Mathura FAQ's

The third-party has to file the trademark opposition in Mathura within 3 months from the publication date of the trademark.

Where to file the notice of trademark opposition in Mathura?

The trademark law doesn’t specify any specific background for trademark opposition in Mathura, some of the reasons are when the trademark is similar or identical, the trademark is devoid of distinctive character, the trademark is descriptive, the trademark registration is made with bad faith or it is hurting the religious sentiments of any community.

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