Trademark Renewal In Nellore

Trademark renewal is a process that is initiated before the expiry of the trademark. A trademark registration once obtained is valid for 10 years.

Trademark renewal in Nellore can be done through IndiaFilings. All you need to do is attach the following documents to renew a trademark registration in Nellore.

  • Trademark registration certificate copy
  • Power of attorney to represent the applicant
  • Photo ID and address proof of the applicant
  • Trademark registration application form copy.

Process for trademark renewal in Nellore

The application for trademark renewal in Nellore in the form TM-R.

This application is filed by the registered owner of the trademark or an agent that is authorized by him.

By filing a trademark renewal application in Nellore, the trademark will get renewed for another 10 years.

It is very important to check the status of the application period until it is processed by the registrar.

The trademark journal is the official gazette of the trademark registry that governs the status of accepted or rejected. If the application is accepted by the registry, then it is advertised in the trademark journal.

To file the application in Form 18 with the requisite fees. The application is reviewed for quality before it is finally approved for the renewal of the trademark.

Trademark Renewal In Nellore FAQ's

Yes, the power of attorney is an important document for the process of trademark renewal in Nellore.

A registered trademark can be restored after six months and within one year from the expiry date of the last registration of the mark.

TM-R is to be filed for Trademark renewal in Nellore and TM-18 is an affidavit for the statement of the case.

The proprietor of the registered trademark and the agent who is associated with the registered trademark can apply for Trademark renewal in Nellore.

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