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Professional Tax Online Payment

Professional tax online payment

Professional Tax Online Payment

Professional tax (PT) is a minor levy imposed on individuals engaged in professions, trades, callings, or employment in India. It is a source of revenue for the state governments where the profession is exercised. Traditionally, Professional Tax involved manual registration, assessment, and payment processes. However, with the increasing focus on digitalisation, most states have adopted online professional tax payment systems, offering convenience and efficiency for taxpayers. The Professional tax online payment process differs from state to state. This article provides information on professional tax and the online payment process for Chennai residents

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What is Professional Tax?

Professional tax (PT) is a minor levy imposed by Indian state governments on individuals earning income through professions, trades, or employment. It’s not restricted to professionals like doctors or lawyers but also salaried individuals. The amount varies depending on your income slab and state, with a maximum limit of Rs. 2500 per year. Traditionally, PT involved manual processes, but most states now offer convenient online payment options.

Who Should Pay Professional Tax?

In India, professional tax (PT) applies to more individuals than just professionals like doctors or lawyers. Here’s a list of who is liable to pay professional tax:

  • Salaried Individuals: Anyone earning a salary from an employer, regardless of their profession, typically falls under the ambit of professional tax. The employer often deducts the PT amount from their salary and remits it to the state government.
  • Self-Employed Professionals: Individuals engaged in professions like doctors, lawyers, chartered accountants, consultants, freelancers, artists, and others are liable to pay professional tax directly to the state government.
  • Business Entities: In some states, even businesses like companies, partnerships, and firms might need to pay professional tax, though this is not universally applicable.

Each state has a minimum income threshold below which individuals are exempt from PT to ease the burden on low-income earners. Additionally, some states offer a temporary exemption for newly established businesses, providing a helpful incentive to promote entrepreneurship and foster the growth of new ventures.

Also read: Professional tax registration and compliance

How to Pay Professional tax online?

The process of professional tax online payment differs from state to state. You can find your state’s official website by searching ‘professional tax e-payment/online payment’ with the name of your city. Here are the steps to make professional tax payments in Chennai online.

  • Step 1: Visit the ‘Chennai Corporation’ official website.
  • Step 2: Select ‘Online Payments’ in the given sections. It goes to the page titled ‘Search by Acknowledgement No’
  • Step 3: Enter the appropriate PTNAN number and the quarter you will pay.
  • Step 4: Click the ‘Search’ button, and your details will appear
  • Step 5: Click the ‘Actions’ and select the ‘Pay Professional tax’ option.
  • Step 6: Just check the details and select the ‘Update tax amount’ at the bottom of the page. It will take you to the page where you can update the tax amount.
  • Step 7: Enter the no.of. Employer and no.of.Employees and the tax amount will be calculated depending on your entered details. And the ‘Click’ button.
  • Step 8: On the following page, enter the amount you intend to pay, read and agree to the terms and conditions, and click ‘Pay online.’
  • Step 9: You will find the two payment options – Cards and Net Banking. Choose the preferred method and pay the professional tax amount.

You can use the Tnurban e-pay website if you reside outside of Chennai. Consult with our IndiaFiling professional tax experts to navigate professional tax payments specific to your state/city.

How to Check the Professional Payment Status?

This is the same as the payment process. Visit the official Chennai Corporation website and navigate to the “Online Payments” section. This will lead you to a page titled “Search by Acknowledgement No.” Enter your PTNAN number and the quarter you want to see payment history. Click “Search” and your details will appear. From there, locate the “Actions” section and select “View Assessee Details” to see a record of all your professional tax for all the quarters to the current one.

Consequences of Professional Tax Non-compliance

Failing to comply with professional tax (PT) regulations in India can lead to inconveniences and financial penalties. You might incur late payment fees, interest charges on outstanding dues, and potentially face legal action. Additionally, non-compliance can hinder your ability to obtain certain government services or documents that require a PT clearance certificate. It’s best to fulfil your PT obligations on time to avoid these hassles and ensure a smooth experience with government authorities.


This article provides a comprehensive overview of professional tax (PT) in India, including who is liable to pay it and the benefits of online payment. While the online payment process differs by state, the article details the steps for Chennai residents and offers resources for finding your state’s specific platform. It also highlights the importance of timely PT payment to avoid penalties and ensure a smooth experience with government services.

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