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Indian Trademark Registration Process for Foreign Companies

Indian Trademark registration process for foreign companies

Indian Trademark Registration Process for Foreign Companies

Companies can sell their products and services to customers internationally from their local offices, relying on their brand’s presence in the marketplace. Protecting this brand with trademark registration is crucial, as it grants exclusive rights to one’s intellectual property. However, protecting a brand internationally is challenging due to potential infringements from anywhere in the world. For foreign companies expanding into India, trademark protection can be achieved through the Indian Trademark Registry or the Madrid Protocol system. This article provides information on the Indian trademark registration process for foreign companies, its benefits, and the steps involved in filing through the Indian Trademark Registry and the Madrid Protocol.

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Benefits of Indian Trademark Registration for Foreign Companies

Foreign companies establishes therir business in Indian market can gain significant advantages by registering their trademarks. Here’s a breakdown of the key benefits:

  • Legal Protection: Trademark registration grants foreign companies exclusive rights to use their brand within India. This empowers them to take legal action against unauthorized use of their trademark, safeguarding their reputation, brand identity, and investments from infringement.
  • Enhanced Brand Value: A registered trademark signifies legitimacy and fosters trust among Indian consumers. It can boost brand recognition and customer loyalty, ultimately translating into potential revenue growth.
  • Business Expansion: Trademark registration facilitates smoother business expansion within India. It eliminates concerns regarding brand imitation and enables foreign companies to invest in marketing and distribution channels confidently.
  • Prevents Misuse: Registration discourages the creation and sale of counterfeit goods, which could erode a foreign company’s brand value and market share.
  • Strategic Advantage: A registered trademark strengthens a foreign company’s negotiating position in potential partnerships, licensing agreements, or franchising ventures within India.

What are the Methods to Apply for Trademark in India as a Foreign Company?

Foreign companies seeking to protect their brand identity in the Indian marketplace can obtain trademark registration through established procedures. Here are the two primary methods for foreign companies to register a trademark in India:

1. Direct Filing with Indian Trademarks Registry

 This method is applicable to foreign companies with a registered business presence in India. They can directly file a trademark application with the Indian Trademark Registry.

2. Madrid Protocol International Trademark Registration

This international treaty offers a streamlined process for foreign companies based in member countries. You can file a single application with your home country’s trademark office, which can extend protection to India (and other member states) through a single application.

Direct Trademark Filing with the Indian Trademarks Registry

As a foreign company, you can register a trademark with the Indian trademark registry. However, you will need to appoint an authorized agent or attorney in India to apply on your behalf. It is also important to note that the trademark must be used or proposed to be used in India to be eligible for registration. Here’s a brief trademark registration done in India.

  • Step 1 – Trademark Search: Conduct a thorough search through the Indian Trademark Registry database to ensure your trademark isn’t already registered or pending for similar goods/services. You can use the online portal or engage a trademark attorney for a more detailed search.
  • Step 2 – Prepare the Application: The application form (TM-A) can be downloaded from the IP India website It requires details like:
    • Applicant’s information (company name, address, nationality)
    • Trademark details (logo, brand name, description)
    • Class of goods/services the trademark falls into.
    • Power of Attorney (if using an Indian agent)
  • Step 3 – Attach Supporting Documents: Include the following with your application:
    • Power of Attorney: This document authorizes an agent or attorney in India to file the trademark application on your behalf.
    • Proof of existence: This can include a certificate of incorporation, registration, or any other document that proves the existence of your company in your home country.
    • Details of business activities: You must provide information about your company’s business activities in your home country and in India, if any.
    • Trademark specimen: A clear representation of the trademark you wish to register.
    • Priority document: If you have registered the trademark in your home country, you can submit a priority document to claim priority in India.
    • Application fee: The fee for trademark registration in India varies depending on the number of classes of goods or services for which you are seeking registration.
  • Step 4 – Fee Payment: Pay the requisite government filing fees which depends on the number of classes your trademark applies to. Fees can be found on the Controller General website.
  • Step 5 – Submission of Application: Submit the completed application form, supporting documents, and fee payment to the Trademark Registry. You can file it electronically or through a registered agent.
  • Step 6 – Examination: The Registry will examine your application for completeness and potential conflicts with existing trademarks. During this stage, you may receive requests for clarifications or revisions.
  • Step 7 – Publication: If the application meets the criteria, it will be published in the Trademark Journal for opposition purposes. Third parties can oppose the registration within a specific timeframe.
  • Step 8 – Registration: If no opposition is filed or it’s successfully addressed, the Registry will register your trademark, and you’ll receive a registration certificate.

Learn more: Can foreigners apply for trademark registration in India?

Madrid Protocol International Trademark Registration Procedure

The following is the trademark registration process for foreign companies is used to file trademarks in India or any other applicable countries through the Madrid Protocol system.

1. Prepare the application:

  • Use the WIPO’s international application form (MM2).
  • The form requires your details, a reproduction of your trademark identical to the Indian filing, a list of goods/services for protection, and a list of countries (Madrid Union members) you want protection in (designated Contracting Parties).

2. File the application:

  • Submit the application form (MM2) along with the required fees to the Indian Trademark Office (IPO). They act as the “office of origin” for your application.
  • You’ll likely need a Level 3 Digital Signature Certificate from an authorized body recognized by the IPO.

3. Indian Trademark Office (IPO) Processing:

  • Your application will be examined by IP to ensure it meets Madrid Protocol requirements. 
  • If all is fine they’ll forward your application to WIPO along with your designated countries.

4. WIPO and Designated Countries:

  • WIPO will publish your application in their International Trademark Gazette.
  • Each designated country will then examine your application based on their national laws.
  • You may receive communications from WIPO or the designated countries regarding their examination.

5. Registration and Maintenance:

  • Each designated country will inform you of their decision on registration.
  • If successful, you’ll receive separate trademark registrations in each country.
  • WIPO will register your mark internationally upon successful national registrations.
  • Renewal fees for international registration must be paid to WIPO at ten-year intervals.

Also read: Tips for International Trademark registration in India


In conclusion, foreign companies entering the Indian market can safeguard their brand through trademark registration. The Indian Trademark Registry and the Madrid Protocol system offer two main filing methods. The Registry accords with the companies with an Indian presence, while the Madrid Protocol provides a centralised system for international protection in member countries, including India. Both trademark registration process for foreign companies in India involve application preparation, fee payment, and examination stages, ultimately granting exclusive rights to your trademark within India.

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