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Aadhaar Offline Verification - IndiaFilings Updated on: January 25th, 2020 4:47 PM

Aadhaar Offline Verification

The UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India) has launched the Aadhaar Paperless Local e-KYC facility which is an offline method. It can be used for identity verification wherein verification can be done without sharing biometrics or Aadhaar card number. This method also allows the citizens to choose the Aadhaar related details that they want to share for identification purposes. In this article, we look at the offline KYC for Aadhaar identity verification in detail.

To know more about Aadhaar Virtual ID

Benefits of Offline KYC

The Aadhaar e-KYC has various benefits associated with its use, which is listed below:
  • This facility involves a paperless process of generating digitally signed XML which can be stored in laptop and phone.
  • UIDAI launched QR Code and KYC (know your customer) method. It holds basic details such as name, address, and a photo of the users. QR Code and offline KYC user’s privacy, confidentiality and security.
  • Also, users can prevent anyone from viewing their demographic data. Hence, it can provide only name and address.
  • It is an offline method that the Government will be unmindful of one’s Aadhaar usage.
  • The threat of illegal document forgery will be minimised.
  • The citizen's privacy is secured with the individual’s authorisation.
  • The complaint with the latest standards are notified in IT, Amendment Rules 2011. The results are instant and fast.
  • There will be no need for the share of one’s Aadhaar details for identification purpose.

Usage of Offline

This offline verification mechanism that is mainly used for digitally signing the Aadhaar card contents or password protected XML file. Any person who seeks to verify the authenticity of an Aadhaar card can scan it using software that verifies the digital signature. The offline usage of Aadhaar can be accomplished by two means:
  • Via the QR code on Aadhaar card and E-Aadhaar PDF
  • By downloading Offline Aadhaar file (a password-protected ZIP file containing an XML file) from UIDAI’s website.

Process of Offline KYC

The officials will need to download a QR code reader from the official UIDAI website or else one can get a scanner which scans the QR code on the Aadhaar card. The biometric ID can be downloaded by the Aadhaar cardholders from the official website. This ID as the QR code. This service displays the picture of Aadhaar card user. This allows organisations to verify the authenticity of Aadhaar card data offline. The digitally signed XML that offers a secure sharable document that can be used by any Aadhaar card number holder for offline verification of identification. This service allows the users to download an XML file which can be used for offline verification purposes. It is a digitally signed document that contains Aadhaar related details. A user can use this XML document for the verification of Aadhaar purpose as there is no need to specify their Aadhaar number. The name and address will be present in XML file whereas Aadhaar holder has the option to choose from the 5 other details – Photo, DOB, Email address, Mobile number and gender. Once the details are downloaded from the UIDAI’s portal, the file can be uploaded to the service provider for the verification purpose. The service provider will access the XML file to verify the details.

Details encoded in the new QR Code:

  • Full Name
  • Aadhaar Number with last 4 digits
  • Gender
  • Mobile number with last 4 digits
  • Date of birth
  • Address
  • Photocopy
  • Digital Signature

How to Generate Aadhaar Offline Verification

Before the Offline verification, the user must generate their digitally signed Aadhaar card by accessing the official UIDAI portal. This provides offline Aadhaar facility for the citizens to generate the Aadhaar details. The below procedure examines the process of generating the Aadhaar offline verification.

Access the Portal

Step 1: The user must visit the official UIDAI portal using this link.

Aadhaar Paperless Offline e-KYC

Step 2: The user has to click on the services tab that is visible on the homepage of the portal. Step 3: Under the services tab, the user must click on the “Aadhaar Paperless Offline e-KYC” option that redirects the user to the new page.

Provide Aadhaar Details

Step 4: Now the user is required to enter the 12 digit Aadhaar card number/16 digit Virtual ID number. Step 5: Then the user must enter the security code and then the user has to click on “Send OTP” button to obtain the OTP through the SMS or the registered mobile number.

OTP Validation

Step 6: Now the user has to enter the received OPT which is valid only for 10 minutes. Step 7: Once the OTP is validated successfully, the user will be directed to the new page.

Provide Details

Step 8: On the redirected page, the user must enter the requested details such as Name (as registered in Aadhaar card), Pin code of the Address and the Captcha code. Then click on the “Verify” button. Step 9: Upon entering the requested details, the user Aadhaar details are validated. Step 10: After the successful validation, a shareable document will be displayed with the name and address. The user will have to select the required details which they want to download and show for offline verification along with name and address by clicking on the radio button. Step 11: Now the user must enter the “Share Code” (password) as per the instructions. The data downloaded by the user from the website is a ZIP file which is password protected. Step 12: The user must enter the security code and then click on the Submit button. Step 13: On successful submission, a password-protected ZIP file containing the XML file will be downloaded on the system. Note: The user can extract and save the XML file from the ZIP document downloaded from the website by entering the share code