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Bihar Caste Certificate - Application Procedure - IndiaFilings Updated on: June 9th, 2023 5:21 PM

Bihar Caste Certificate

Caste or community certificate is a legal document that certifies that an individual belongs to a particular caste. By obtaining a caste certificate, an individual can avail various benefits from the Indian Government. In this article, we look at the procedure for obtaining Bihar caste certificate in detail.

Need for the Document

A caste certificate serves for the following purposes:
  • To avail admission in schools and colleges.
  • To apply for competitive examinations.
  • To obtain scholarships to pursue education.
  • To avail employment in reserved categories.
  • To obtain government subsidies.
  • To apply for housing and self-employment schemes.
  • To allot house sites to citizens.
  • To assign or to grant land.
  • To stand as a candidate in elections.


The following are the eligibility criteria for a person to apply for a Bihar caste certificate.
  • The applicant should belong to any reserved category such as Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe or Other Backward Classes.
  • The applicant should be an Indian citizen.
  • The applicant should be residing in Bihar.
  • The applicant should be above 3 years of age.

Documents Required

To obtain a caste certificate, an individual has to possess the following documents:
  • Ration Card
  • Self-declaration of the applicant
  • Identity Card
  • Aadhaar Card
  • Passport size photographs

Application Procedure

The online method to apply for a caste certificate is as follows.

Online Method

Step 1: Log on to the official website The applicant has to log on to the official website. Step 2: Select the place to obtain the certificate On the new page where he/she has to select the desired place to obtain the application. [caption id="attachment_59475" align="aligncenter" width="1003"]Bihar-Caste-Certificate-Apply-Online Bihar-Caste-Certificate-Apply-Online Step 3: Entering the name Once the desired place is selected, a box appears where the applicant has to enter the name. If the applicant is unable to enter the name in Hindi, press the enter button once the name is entered in Hindi. Make the necessary changes to perfect the spelling, and only then, the applicant has to proceed to the next step. Step 4: Click on Caste Certificate The applicant then has to select the appropriate certificate from the list of service. Therefore, caste certificate has to be clicked. Step 5: Enter the mobile number The applicant then has to enter the mobile number and then click on the Next button. Step 6: Mobile Number verification A password for the application will be sent to the registered mobile number. The code has to be entered in the respective field to verify the mobile number. Step 7: Enter the Details Once the code is entered, an application appears. The applicant has to enter all the required information in the application form. Step 8: Submit the application  After entering all the details, the applicant has to submit the application by clicking on the Submit button. Step 9: Receiving an acknowledgement The applicant receives an acknowledgement that mentions the application number. This number has to be noted down to track the application status.

Application Status

Follow the below methods to know the application status:

Check Status Online

Step 1: Log on to the website The applicant has to log on to the official website. [caption id="attachment_59473" align="aligncenter" width="1011"]Bihar-Caste-Certificate-Application-Status Bihar-Caste-Certificate-Application-Status Step 2: Enter the Application ID The applicant has to enter the 18 digits unique application ID. Step 3: Status appears On entering the application id, the status appears in the State's portal.

Check Status Through SMS

To known status through SMS, the applicant has to type a text message in the given format and it to 56677. RTPS <Application ID> Things to Remember
  1. The certificate must be received by the applicant and not by another person.
  2. The applicant has to have a valid ID proof like voter ID, Aadhar card that contains personal details like name, date of birth and address that has been mentioned in the application form.