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Catalytic Development Program on Sericulture - IndiaFilings Last updated: September 4th, 2019 3:00 AM

Catalytic Development Program on Sericulture (CDP) 

Catalytic Development Program is the principal scheme of the Central Silk Board (CSB), Ministry of Textiles, to uphold the overall development of the silk sector in the country. The scheme was implemented during the IX plan in collaboration with the State Governments and continued through the XII plan with some operational and technical modifications. It aims at incorporating advanced technologies developed by the research institutes of CSB to protect all four varieties of silk in the country; Mulberry, Tasar, Eri and Muga. You can also learn about Silk Samagra.

Objectives of CDP

The core objectives of the CDP are:
  • To set-up initiatives or organisations for seed production, cocoon production, silk reeling, processing,
  • To encourage Sericulture in the tribal and rural areas of the country.
  • To neutralise poverty and to generate standard livelihood for the Nation
  • To unite Sericulture farmers and guide them for better farming activities.
  • To channelise and build an extension for their pre and post cocoon activities.
  • To increase the support of funding for consultancy, crop insurance, health insurance, and increase the credit.
  • To create 100--150 model mulberry clusters in association with State governments.
  • To gain support from R&D institutions of Central Silk Board for the exclusive production of Bivoltine silk of international
  • To set-up, encourage and execute skill development and Enterprise Development programs (EDP).

Framework for Execution

The silk crops In India are different with respect to their pattern, agro-climatic conditions, sectorial priority, cultivational input requirements. The Zone-based segregation is introduced for proficient execution of the scheme. CDP is implemented based on zonal requirements with respect to the unit cost and cropping pattern. The services of the appointed Regional Offices under the CSB takes the responsibilities of monitoring and supporting mechanism in their respective offices. The scheme and the project implementation are monitored at the State level, Zonal Level and Central Level.
  1. Central Level: Apex Monitoring Committee (AMC): AMC headed by the Member Secretary of Central Silk Board (CSB) with the involvement of the representatives from the Ministry of Textiles and Planning Commission. AMC provides the support for the:
    • State and Zonal proposals of all the factors regarding the silk production
    • Allocation of the funds with respect to the requirement in per-unit cost
    • Analyse, plan and frame the guidelines for better CDP implementation
    • Steer, analyse and provide a solution for the issues in every Mid-Term assessment of the scheme
  1. State Level: Project Monitoring Committee (PMC): PMC is headed by the Commissioner/Director of Sericulture of the State and includes nodal officers from Central Silk Board for the State. The PMC holds responsible for
    • Formulation of action plans/proposals for the execution of the scheme
    • Finalisation of beneficiary list takeoff proposals
    • Monitoring the implementation process and methods of CDP
    • Reviewing the progress of the scheme
  1. Zonal Level: Zonal Committee (ZC): Central Silk Board (CSB) authorises the person-in-charge of the Zone Committee. The in-charge people are the professionals in the field of silk sector such as scientists, institutes and seed organisations in the zone. Zonal Committee holds the responsibility for:
    • Planning and formulating the Catalytic Development Programs’ proposals received from every state
    • Analysing the received proposal and executing them with the coordination of Centre Silk Board
    • Monitoring and extending support the implementation of CDP in the zone with organising social audit

Components of the CDP Scheme

Catalytic Development Program benefits three prime sectors of silk industry:
  • Mulberry Silk Sector (Bivoltine and Improved Cross Breed)
  • Vanya Silk Sector (Vanya is non-mulberry silk and has three varieties--Eri, Tasar and Muga)
  • Post-Cocoon Sector

Funding Mechanism

The funds are equally distributed to all the three sectors comprising the beneficiaries and the concerned State Government bodies. The scheme supports the operation with a total project cost of Rs.1852.36 crore, of which the Central Government shares Rs.889 crore, State Government shares Rs.426.87 crore, and the balance Rs.536.49 crore is the beneficiary share.

Mulberry Sector

Support for the Seeds and its Productivity

  • The Seed Act entitles every State Seed farms with an aid of Rs.5 lakh to increase seed production, with a ratio of 50:50 sharing pattern between GOI and State Governments.
  • Support Pattern of Rs.3.5 Lakhs per grainage is shared like 40:40:20 between CSB, State and private grainages for the upgradation in seed production units, as per the CSB Act 2006.
  • The assistance of Rs.3.5 lakh with the sharing pattern of 50:50 for State grainages between CSB and State and 40:40:20 for private grainages between CSB, State and Grainages.
  • The Franchise disinfection program extends Rs.1.10 lakhs per unit and CSB assures 100% assistance for its implementation of the disinfection program.
  • Support pattern of Rs.1.75 lakhs per grainage is facilitated in order to establish seed testing and other seed developmental methods.

Support extended for the Plantation

  • Support is provided for the raising of Mulberry bush as well as tree plantation with a unit cost of14,000 per acre involving inputs such as chemical fertilisers, farmyard manure, pesticides, etc.
  • Assistance ranging from Rs.25,000--30,000 to cover all types of irrigation.
  • Provides support ranging from Rs.40,000 to Rs.70,000 per farm per hectare for the supply of rearing appliances, including the improved mountages.
  • The unit cost of Rs.6 lakh is proposed for the Southern Zone, and 4 lakhs is proposed for the other zones to assist the maintenance of Chawki Gardens and its equipment purchase.
  • The unit costs proposed for the 3 sub-components is Rs.3 lakhs for the southern zone and Rs.1.50--1.84 lakhs for other zones. The cost is shared at the ratio of 50:25:25 between CSB, State and Beneficiary. The 3 sub-components aim at:
    1. Setting up commercially valued production units for biological inputs with R&D innovations.
    2. To encourage private parties as door-to-door service agents for disinfection accessories and safety equipments.
    3. Setting up Sericulture Polyclinics to serve as testing centres, sales audit centres and consultancy centres.

Assistance acquired for Rearing House Construction

Subsidy Assistance is provided for three models of rearing houses. Eligibility and assistance are as follows:
  • For a 225 Sq. ft of rearing house, an assistance of Rs.90,000 is disbursed with sharing pattern 35:35:30 between GOI, State, Beneficiary.
  • For a 600 Sq. ft of rearing house, the assistance of Rs.1,75,000 is granted with a sharing pattern of 20:30:50 between GOI, State, Beneficiary.
  • For a 225 Sq. Ft of rearing house, the assistance of Rs.2,75,000 is extended with sharing pattern 10:20:70 between GOI, State and beneficiary.
  • Further, a low-cost model for initial engagements is provided for a 225 Sq. Ft of rearing house, a sum of Rs.30,000 is allocated with a sharing pattern of 35:35:30 between GOI, State and Beneficiary.

 Vanya Sector

Seeding Productivity

  • The unemployed tribal and rural youth are identified and trained on grainage technology with assistance in the construction of grainages and procurement of equipment.
  • Provides a Support of Rs.2.32 lakhs per grainage with a sharing pattern of 60:20:20 between CSB, State and beneficiary for general states and 80:10:10 between CSB, State and beneficiary for special status states.
  • Extends support of Rs.42,000 per grainage with a sharing pattern of 60:20:20 and 80:10:10 between CSB, State and Beneficiary for the upgradation of the existing seed productivity.

Support for effective Plantation

  • The beneficiaries are assisted with the supply of seedlings, cost of plantation development, inputs and soil conservation measures to the extent of40,000 per hectare along with Rs.17,000 per hectare for maintenance of the existing plantation.
  • The component offers the required fertiliser inputs, plant protection measures for pest and disease prevention besides appliances for Muga food plant maintenance.
  • An amount of Rs.52,500 per nursery is provided as assistance for raising the Muga Food Plants Nursery with a sharing pattern of 60:20:20 for General status States and 80:10:10 for Special status States between CSB, State and Beneficiary.
  • The component avails special funds for the projects involving 25% share from CDP and remaining assistance shall be merged from MoRD, NABARD, TWC, RKVY etc.,
  • The support of Rs.43 lakh per unit comprising 25% of unit cost is provided by the CDP for its beneficiaries to establish seed production units.

Assistance on the Rearing House Construction

  • Assistance of Rs.1,00,000 per rearing house is provided with a sharing pattern of 35:35:30 between CSB, State and Beneficiary for general states and 80:10:10 between CSB, State and Beneficiary for special status

Post-Cocoon Sector

Construction of Reeling Sheds

  • Assistance is provided for construction of reeling sheds and the establishment of reeling units. Central share allocation of6.34 crore is disbursed to construct 275 reeling sheds.
  • Support for setting up multi-end reeling units and Automatic Reeling Units are provided.
  • Central share allocation of Rs.16.79 crores is sanctioned for the establishment of 225 multi-end reeling units.
  • An additional share of Rs.12.39 crore is disbursed for the establishment of 20 automatic reeling units.
  • Furthermore, the Centre and the State Governments share the 5% interest subsidy on the working capital loan sanctioned to reeling units by the Scheduled Commercial Bank.

Twisting Machine Support

  • Assistance is extended for the establishment of twisting units for Mulberry, which helps in value of the addition of silk from the reeling unit, by producing twisted silk.
  • Central share allocation of Rs.7.45 crore is provided for the establishment of 125 twisting units.
  • The component supports the establishment of units in the Vanya sector, and Central share of Rs.9.71 crores are disbursed in initiating 3000 reeling cum twisting machines.

Merging with MGNREGA

According to the Joint Convergence guidelines, the Ministry of Textiles and Ministry of Rural Development, are carrying out the following activities under MGNREGA.
  • Converting the uncultivable and barren lands into cultivable lands for plantation of HST plants. This includes weeding and
  • The Soil Treatment is routed with the Staggered/Contour trenches based on the slope of the land to facilitate soil and water conservation. Manure application is covered under MGNREGA.
  • Plant protection/Disease Management protect the plantings with the Prophylactic and curative measures against insects, pests, and diseases as per the recommendations of the respective research institute are taken up.