UK Trademark Registration

UK Trademark Registration When registering a trademark in the UK, you are protecting a key asset of your business—your brand identity. A trademark can be a word, phrase, logo, or combination of these that distinguishes your goods or services from…

What are the Trademark Symbols in the US?

What are the Trademark Symbols in the US? Trademark symbols are essential tools in the branding and legal landscape, offering both protection and information. These symbols serve multiple important functions: they provide public notice of trademark claims, help consumers recognize…

How to Draft a Legal Notice for Trademark Infringement?

How to Draft a Legal Notice for Trademark Infringement? Trademark infringement occurs when someone uses a trademark that is confusingly or deceptively similar to your registered trademark. It misleads consumers and harms your brand reputation. A legal notice serves as…

Trademark Renewal in India: Online Vs Offline Options and Fees

Trademark Renewal in India: Online Vs Offline Options and Fees Trademark registration provides exclusive rights over your brand name, logo, or slogan. But it is only valid for ten years in India. You need to renew your trademark registration to…

 Trademark Withdrawal in India  

Trademark Withdrawal in India   Trademark withdrawal is a legal mechanism allowing trademark proprietors to annul their Trademark registration or application officially. This action relinquishes the exclusive rights and protections previously accorded to their mark, thereby reintroducing the trademark into the…

Grounds for Rectification of Trademark

Grounds for Rectification of Trademark Trademark rectification can be filed in India if there is a similarity with an already registered trademark or an occurrence of error while registering it. Section 57 of the Trademarks Act 1999 outlines the grounds…

Trademark Cases in India

Trademark Cases in India A trademark is a unique identifier legally protecting a business's name, logo, or slogan. It signifies the origin and quality of goods and services, gaining consumer trust and brand recognition. However, deceptively similar marks can infringe…

Everything You Need to Know About Trademark Transfer in India

Everything You Need to Know About Trademark Transfer in India Trademark Transfer, often known as Trademark Assignment, is a formal procedure by which a trademark's ownership and associated rights are passed from the original holder (the assignor) to a new…

How to Keep Your Trademark Alive in India?

How to Keep Your Trademark Alive in India? A trademark is more than just a symbol or a name; it represents your brand, identity, and reputation. In the competitive business landscape of India, protecting your trademark is not just a…