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Differences Between Trademark Objection and Trademark Opposition Updated on: December 28th, 2023 9:31 AM

Differences Between Trademark Objection and Trademark Opposition

A trademark is a vital form of intellectual property protection, safeguarding the unique identity of products or services provided by an individual or a business. It plays a crucial role in preventing confusion about the ownership and origin of these products or services. In this blog, we will delve into the differences between two key aspects of the trademark process: trademark objection and trademark opposition. We aim to comprehensively understand these terms, outlining what they entail and how they differ. When applying for a trademark, challenges to the application typically fall into one of two categories:
  • Trademark Objection
  • Trademark Opposition
Each category represents a specific kind of hurdle in the trademark registration process, and applicants must understand the differences to navigate the process effectively. IndiaFilings can assist with both trademark objection and trademark opposition, helping to protect the unique identity of your products or services.

What is a Trademark?

A trademark, which serves as the identifying logo or brand for products or services of a business or individual, falls under the regulation of the Trademarks Act 1999 in India. This Act establishes the guidelines for registering a trademark in the country. There are two crucial stages to understand during the trademark registration process: trademark objection and trademark opposition. The path to securing a trademark registration includes potential hurdles in the form of objections and opposition. While these two terms are often mistakenly used interchangeably, they represent distinct phases in the trademark registration process, each with its unique set of procedures. Understanding the differences between trademark objection and trademark opposition is essential for navigating the registration process effectively.

Trademark Objection

Under the Trademarks Act, the process of trademark objection involves a thorough examination of a trademark registration application by an appointed examiner. This examination is a critical step in the process of registering a trademark. If the examiner identifies any aspects of the application that contradict the stipulations of the Act or its rules, they may issue a trademark objection. This objection is formally presented in an examination report and sent to the applicant. Upon receiving this report, the applicant must respond within a specified timeframe. This response allows the applicant to clarify or justify why their trademark should be registered, addressing the concerns raised in the examination report. The primary purpose of the examiner's objection is to solicit detailed clarifications or explanations from the applicant. Such an objection is raised particularly when there are substantial grounds to believe that the proposed trademark does not meet certain necessary criteria for registration. The process ensures that only trademarks that align with the legal requirements are approved for registration. The grounds for raising a trademark objection during the registration process typically include the following key reasons:
  • The application for trademark registration contains erroneous or incomplete information. This may refer to any discrepancies or gaps in the details about the trademark or the applicant.
  • The proposed trademark is such that it may lead to confusion or mislead the public. This is particularly relevant if the trademark closely resembles an existing mark, making it deceptively similar and thus potentially causing confusion among consumers or the general public. Such similarities could be in design, sound, meaning, or overall appearance and are considered significant enough to warrant an objection to prevent possible misunderstanding or misidentification in the marketplace.

Trademark Opposition

Under the Trademarks Act, the trademark opposition process comes into play after the initial phase of trademark objection. Once a trademark objection hearing is completed and the examiner is convinced of the trademark's compliance with legal standards, the status of the trademark application is updated from 'Objected' to 'Accepted and Advertised'. Following this update, the trademark is published in the trademarks journal. The publication of the proposed trademark in this journal serves a critical purpose: it allows third parties to review the trademark and, if they find grounds for concern, to file a trademark opposition.
  • This trademark opposition is a formal challenge raised by third parties against registering the trademark.
  • Third parties can initiate a trademark opposition once the trademark is publicly listed in the trademarks journal.
  • The fundamental reason behind allowing such opposition is to prevent the registration and use of a trademark that is either identical or very similar to an existing one, which could potentially lead to public confusion.
  • Additionally, this process aims to thwart any attempts to unfairly benefit from a trademark that resembles a well-known and established one, thereby protecting both consumer interests and the integrity of established brands.
The grounds for raising a trademark opposition, which is a formal challenge against a proposed trademark, are varied and include several key considerations:
  • Similarity to Existing Trademarks: If the trademark is identical or strongly resembling an already registered trademark.
  • Descriptive Nature: The trademark is merely descriptive of the goods or services it represents, lacking distinctiveness.
  • Lack of Distinctive Character: The trademark does not possess unique features that distinguish it from other marks.
  • Common Usage: The trademark consists of terms or signs customary in the current language or the established practices of the relevant business.
  • Bad Faith: The application for trademark registration is made with dishonest intentions or in bad faith.
  • Legal Restrictions: The mark is prohibited by law or contradicts legal regulations
  • Potential Confusion or Deception: The trademark will likely cause public confusion or deceive them.
  • Offensive Content: The trademark includes elements that could offend the religious sentiments of any section or class of the community.
  • Prohibition Under Specific Laws: The trademark is barred under specific legislation, such as the Emblem and Names Act of 1950.
These grounds ensure that registered trademarks are distinct, non-deceptive, legally compliant, and respectful of societal norms and sensitivities.

Differences Between Trademark Objection and Trademark Opposition

Particulars Trademark Objection Trademark Opposition
Stage of Initiation Initiated immediately after the submission of the trademark registration application at the initial stages of registration. It occurs after the trademark objection phase is concluded.
Persons Initiating Raised by the trademark examiner. Any third party can raise it.
Form of Initiation Filed by the examiner in the form of a trademark examination report. Filed by a third party in the form of a notice of opposition.
Form of Submission The examiner submits the objection in the examination report, which is viewable online. Third parties submit the notice of opposition, accompanied by evidence and reasons.
Response Requirement The applicant must respond to the registrar within a month of receiving the examination report. The applicant must reply to the registrar within two months of receiving the notice of opposition.
Appeal Process The applicant can appeal if the application is rejected after responding to the objection. An appeal can be filed against the registrar's judgment in case of an opposition.
Fees No fees are required to respond to the objection. Prescribed fees must be paid to respond to the opposition notice.
Finality of Process Upon acceptance post-objection, the trademark is published in the trademark journal. Following acceptance post-opposition, the judgment is communicated to both the applicant and the third party.

Expert Assistance for Trademark Objection and Opposition

IndiaFilings can assist with both trademark objection and trademark opposition in India. Our team of experts provides guidance and support throughout the process, helping to address objections raised by trademark examiners and manage oppositions filed by third parties. With our knowledge of the Trademarks Act and experience in intellectual property law, our expert is equipped to handle the complexities of trademark registration and ensure a smoother path toward securing your brand's identity. Connect with Us Today to Secure Your Trademark Registration with Expert Guidance.