IndiaFilings / Learn / How To Trademark A Logo In India
How to Trademark a logo in India? - A Detailed Guide - IndiaFilings Updated on: March 15th, 2024 5:00 PM

How to Trademark a logo in India?

Trademarking secures exclusive rights to your logo, safeguarding this valuable intellectual property. It distinguishes you from competitors and prevents trademark infringement. In India, trademarking your logo is a straightforward process. Simply file an application with the Trademark Office and pay the necessary fee. After approval, your logo will be registered as a trademark, granting you exclusive usage rights within India. This article explores the document requirements and step-by-step procedure for logo trademark registration. Design your logo and protect it with trademark registration through IndiaFilings!! [shortcode_79]

What is a Logo Trademark Registration?

trademark is a distinctive symbol, word, phrase, or logo that identifies and distinguishes products or services from competitors. It is a valuable business asset, helping build brand recognition and customer trust. Through logo trademark registration, companies gain exclusive rights to use their logo in commerce, providing legal protection against unauthorised usage by others. A logo which represents and acts as the front face of your company must give legal protection 

Importance of Trademarking a Logo

A well-designed logo registration is your brand's visual identity, instantly recognizable and developing trust. Here are the reasons why you need to trademark logo design:
  • Establishing Brand Protection: A registered trademark grants legal rights to your logo's trademark design. This prevents competitors from using similar logos that might cause confusion among customers, potentially leading to lost sales and brand dilution.
  • Building Trust and Credibility: A logo signifies your brand's legitimacy and develops a sense of trust with consumers. They perceive your brand as established and reliable, encouraging repeat business and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.
  • Maintaining a Competitive Advantage: Protecting your logo prevents competitors from capitalising on your brand recognition.
  • Facilitating Global Expansion: If you envision expanding your business internationally, a trademark design ensures protection in new markets. This allows you to build brand recognition globally and avoid potential infringement by companies operating in other territories.
  • Empowering Legal Enforcement: If someone uses your logo without authorization, a trademark allows you to take legal action. This empowers you to protect your intellectual property and seek compensation for damages caused by infringement.
Also read: Why is a Good logo important for your small business? 

Documents required for Logo Trademark Registration

Keep the following documents to trademark logo design,
  • Completed Trademark Application Form (TM-A)
  • Soft copy or clear image of the logo
  • Proof of Applicant's Identity and Address
  • Proof of Business Registration (if applicable)
  • Signed Form-48 (Power of Attorney, if applicable)

Step-by-Step Process to Trademark a Logo

The following is the detailed step-by-step procedure for logo trademark registration in India. 

1. Conduct a Trademark Search:

  • Conducting a comprehensive trademark search before submitting a registration application is necessary. [shortcode_3]
  • This search aims to identify any existing trademark designs that may be similar to your logo, preventing potential conflicts and ensuring a smoother registration process.

2. Trademark Application Filing - Form TM-A:

  • Once the search confirms the availability of your logo, then the applicant can file and sign a form TM-A and submit it to the trademark registry office.
  • The application typically requires the following information:
    • Applicant details (including name and address)
    • A clear and accurate description of the logo
    • A visual representation of the logo (electronic format may be preferred)
    • The specific class(es) of goods or services your logo represents
    • Payment of the requisite government fees

3. Examination by Trademark Office:

  • After receipt, the trademark office will assign qualified examiners to assess your application.
  • The examiners will determine if the logo meets the established criteria for trademark design registration. This includes ensuring the logo is distinctive and not merely descriptive of the underlying goods or services.
  • The application will be published in the Trademark Journal if it meets the requirements.
  • Conversely, if the application is rejected, the examiner will issue a report outlining the reasons for rejection and any necessary steps for addressing them. This may involve modifying the logo or providing additional information to support its distinctiveness.

4. Potential Show Cause Hearing (if applicable):

  • In the event of a rejection, you have the right to request a hearing before a trademark official to present your case for registration.
  • You may choose to represent yourself at this hearing or retain a qualified trademark attorney to advocate on your behalf.

5. Publication in the Trademark Journal:

  • Your logo will be published in the Trademark Journal after successfully examining or resolving any objections.
  • This publication serves as a public notice for a designated period (typically four months) to allow any third party to file an opposition if they believe your logo infringes upon their existing trademark rights.
  • If the opposition is filed, the trademark office will conduct a hearing to evaluate the merits of the opposing claims based on the relevant legal principles.

6. Trademark Registration and Certification:

  • If no opposition is filed within the designated timeframe, your logo will be granted official trademark registration.
  • The trademark office will then issue a formal registration certificate as evidence of your exclusive right to use the logo for the identified goods or services.

How to maintain the trademark registration status of the logo?

Here are the specific steps you should take to maintain your trademark registration status of the logo:
  1. Proper and Consistent Use: Use your logo as a trademark, not just a generic image. This means using the trademark symbol to identify the source of your goods or services, not in a descriptive way. For example, using your logo on product packaging or marketing materials signifies it as a trademark design.
  2. Monitor for Infringement: Be cautious about third parties' unauthorized use of your logo registration. Conduct periodic searches online, check trademark journals, and look in the marketplace to identify potential infringements. 
  3. Take Action Against Infringement:  If you discover unauthorized use of your logo, address it promptly. Depending on the severity, you may send a cease and desist letter, negotiate a licensing agreement, or pursue legal action.
  4. Renewal: Trademark registrations typically last for ten years, and you can renew them. Be aware of trademark renewal deadlines and file it six months before the trademark expiration date to avoid cancellation.
  5. Maintain Accurate Records: Keep detailed records of your trademark registration, including the registration number, filing date, and any modifications made to the logo registration. This documentation will be crucial if you need to enforce your trademark rights.
Learn more: How can you maintain your trademark after filing? 


In conclusion, trademarking your logo design in India safeguards your brand identity and secures exclusive rights. By following the outlined steps, from conducting a trademark search to maintaining your trademark registration, you can ensure your logo's distinctiveness and take action against infringement. This comprehensive protection develops consumer trust, strengthens your competitive edge, and paves the way for successful brand expansion. IndiaFilings experts help with logo designing & trademark registration!! [shortcode_79]