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Karnataka Birth Certificate - Application Procedure - IndiaFilings Updated on: February 12th, 2020 1:47 PM

Karnataka Birth Certificate

As per the Registration of Birth Act, 1969 it is mandatory to register every birth under the government of Karnataka. A birth certificate is an essential document for every citizen issued by the Chief Registrar of birth. In this article, we look at the procedure for obtaining a birth certificate in Karnataka.

Purpose of Birth Certificate

Every resident must apply for the birth certificate and register birth, as it proves the nationality of a person. The birth certificate is also useful for various purpose like for admission in school, to obtain a passport, Voter Card, Driving license etc.

Registering Birth in Karnataka

Every person must register the births within 21 days from the date of birth:
  • In respect of births in a Hospital or Nursing Home: The Medical Officer in charge or any person authorized by him on his behalf are the eligible people to register the birth
  • In case of a birth in a house: The head of the household or oldest adult person is eligible to register the birth with the concerned authority
  • Birth in a public place: The head of the corresponding village in the case of a village or the officer in charge of the local police station is eligible to register the birth

Required Documents

The following documents are to be produced at the time of submitting the application form for the birth certificate:
  • Proof of place of birth (where the child was born) from the medical institution
  • Parents' identity proof
  • Marriage certificate of the parent, optional

Fee structure 

period Fees
Registered within 21 days of birth No fee
Registered after 21 days of birth Rs. 2
Registered after 30 days and within one year of birth Rs. 5
Registered after one year of birth Rs. 10

 Procedure for Registration of a Birth certificate

  • To obtain a birth certificate, first, the applicant needs to visit the district statistical office
  • One needs to submit the birth certificate application form which can be download from the official website
  • An application form has to be submitted along with the prescribed documents as required
  • On submission of application, an acknowledgement slip will be given to the applicant
  • The birth certificate will be issued within 7 days and can be downloaded online as well

Birth Certificate Application Form

Download Birth Certificate Online

Follow the steps below to download Karnataka birth certificate online: Step 1: Applicant must visit the official website To download the birth certificate.   [caption id="attachment_50411" align="aligncenter" width="745"]Step-1 Step 1 Karnataka Birth Certificate   Step 2: Enter the user name and password to log in. [caption id="attachment_50412" align="aligncenter" width="648"]Step-2 Step 2 Karnataka Birth Certificate Step 3: Then click on Birth Free copy to generate the birth certificate. [caption id="attachment_50417" align="aligncenter" width="657"]Step-3 Step 3 Karnataka Birth Certificate   Step 4: Enter the following details like date of birth, name of the child, father's name, mother's name and then submit the search button. [caption id="attachment_50418" align="aligncenter" width="612"]Step-4 Step 4 Karnataka Birth Certificate   Step 5: Next, the screen appears with the registration number. Step 6: By clicking on the required registration number, the applicant can print the birth certificate.   [caption id="attachment_50438" align="aligncenter" width="611"]Step-6 Step 6 Karnataka Birth Certificate    

Validity of Birth Certificate

A birth certificate is valid for an entire lifetime. Hence there is no need for renewal of a birth certificate.