IndiaFilings / Learn / Linking Aadhaar To Bank Accounts
6 Ways with Steps to link Aadhar with Your Bank Account Updated on: March 3rd, 2023 7:57 PM

Link Aadhaar Card to Bank Accounts

The government has made it necessary for all bank account holders to complete linking Aadhaar to bank accounts. Banks are also authorised to deactivate accounts that are not linked with Aadhaar. The process of linking Aadhaar with bank accounts can be done both online and offline.

Online Procedure

Account holders can link Aadhaar with bank accounts online either via the bank's mobile application or through internet banking. The user has to register with the bank to avail this facility.

Linking Aadhar through Internet Banking

Here are the steps to link a bank account with Aadhaar using Internet Banking. Step 1: The user has to login to the bank's official website. Step 2: The user has to enter the user ID and password. Step 3: From the 'My Account' section, the user has to click 'Update Aadhaar with Bank Accounts (CIF)'. Step 4: The user has to enter the profile password for Aadhaar registration. Step 5: Enter the Aadhar number twice on the new page. Step 6: Once the Aadhar number is entered, the user has to click the 'Submit' option. Step 7: After successful linking of the Aadhar with the bank account, a message is sent to the registered mobile number.

Linking Aadhar through Bank's Mobile Application

Here are the steps to link Aadhar using the Bank's mobile application. Step 1: The user has to login to the bank's mobile application. Step 2: From the 'My Accounts' section, click 'Services' tab and then click on the 'View/ Update Aadhaar card details' option. Step 3: The user has to enter the Aadhaar number twice and then click on 'Submit' option. Step 4: Once it is successfully linked to the bank account, the account holder will be notified with an SMS.

Offline Procedure

Aadhaar can be linked with the bank accounts offline by approaching the bank, ATM, Through SMS or Phone.

Linking Aadhar by Visiting Banks

Here are the steps to link Aadhaar to bank accounts by approaching banks. Step 1: The user has to fill in the application form duly. This application can be obtained online if not can be the user can get from the bank. Step 2: Enter the bank account details and the Aadhaar number. Step 3: The user has to affix a self-attested photocopy of the Aadhaar card with the application form. Step 4: The application form along with the photocopy of the Aadhaar card has to be submitted at the counter where the applicant has to furnish the original Aadhaar card for verification. Step 5: The application will be accepted by the bank officials, and it takes a couple of days to link Aadhaar with the bank account. Step 6: Once it is linked, the applicant will be notified in the registered mobile number.

Linking Aadhaar by Visiting ATM

Here are the steps to link Aadhaar with bank accounts by visiting ATMs. Step 1: The cardholder has to swipe the card and enter the PIN. Step 2: Select 'Registrations' from the 'Services' menu. Step 3: Select 'Aadhaar Registration' option. Step 4: Select the account type and enter the 12-digit Aadhaar number. Step 5: The Aadhaar number has to be re-entered and then click the Okay button. Step 6: The user will be notified through an SMS once the AAdhaar is successfully linked to the bank account.

Linking Aadhar though SMS

An account holder can link Aadhaar through SMS, but all banks do not provide this facility. Also, the SMS format with the number differs from one bank to another. A sample format is given below. Step 1: A message has to be typed in this format. UID<space>Aadhaar number<space>Account number and send it to 567676. Step 2: A confirmation message will be sent stating that the request for linking Aadhar has been accepted. Step 3: The bank verifies the details with UIDAI. Step 4: If the verification goes unsuccessful, the user will be notified to visit the nearest bank branch with the original Aadhaar.

Linking Aadhar though Phone

Many banks provide the facility to link Aadhaar with the bank account using a phone. However, the contact number differs from one bank to another bank. Step 1: If the bank supports Aadhar linking over the phone, the user has to give a missed call to the number that is provided by the concerned bank. Step 2: The user receives a call back from the bank where he/ she can select options from the IVR. Step 3: The user has to enter the 12-digit Aadhaar number and then has to confirm it. Step 4: Once it is linked with the bank account, the user will be notified through an SMS.