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Maharashtra FSSAI Registration - Fees & Requirements - IndiaFilings Updated on: November 28th, 2018 2:27 AM

Maharashtra FSSAI Registration

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has been established as an independent statutory body by the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. FSSAI is responsible for the protection and promotion of public health in India through regulatory and supervisory mechanisms on food safety. This article focuses on procedures and guidelines dealing with Maharashtra FSSAI Registration. Get FSSAI registraiton or license in India.

FLRS (Food Licensing and Registration system)

  • FLRS is an online system launched by FSSAI to help the FBO(Food Business Organisation's) apply for certification, and they can also track their applications in the course of processing. It reduces the need for physical interaction between licensing authorities and the applicants.
  • All types of food businesses in India must obtain a 14-digit registration or a license number which must be printed on food packages (manufacturers) as well as displayed on the prominent place (restaurants).
  • The applicants can also avail the Maharashtra FSSAI Registration through  FLRS portal.

Eligibility Criteria for FSSAI License

Eligibility of FSSAI license based on:
  • Installed capacity (in case of manufacturers)
  • Turnover (for any other kind of business)
Here is a tabulation of eligibility criteria for the various types of license which can be sought through FLRS.
Types of  Businesses Central License State License Registration Railways
Dairy units, which includes milk chilling units equipped to handle or process     More than 50,000 litres per day(LPD) of  milk Or 2500 MT of milk solid per annum   50 to 50,000  LPD of milk OR more than 2.5 MT to 2500 MT of milk solids per annum Up to 500 LPD of milk Or up to 2.5 MT of milk solids per annum Not Applicable(NA)
Vegetable oil processing units, units producing vegetable oil by the process of solvent extraction and refineries including oil expeller unit More than 2 MT per day Up to 2MT/day and turnover above 12 Lakh Turnover up to 12 Lakhs/annum (NA)
Slaughtering units Large animals (above 50) per day Small animals (above 150) per day Poultry birds ( above 1000) per day Large animals (more than Two up to 50) per day Small animals (more than Ten up to 150) per day Poultry birds (more than Fifty up to 1000) per day Large animals up to 2 Small animals up to 10 Poultry Birds 50 per day (NA)
Meat processing units Above 500 kg of meat per day Or 150MT per annum Up to 500 kg of meat per day or 150 MT per year Turnover up to 12 Lakhs/annum (NA)
All food processing units including re-labellers & repackers More than 2 MT/ day except for grains, cereals and pulses milling units More than 100 kg/ltr to 2MT/day. All grains, cereals& pulses milling units. Turnover not exceeding Rs.12 Lakhs and whose production capacity of food does not exceed 100 kg/ltr per day (NA)
Propriety foods All (NA) (NA) (NA)
100% export oriented units All (NA) (NA) (NA)
Importers importing food items including food ingredients and additives for commercial use All (NA) (NA) (NA)
Storage( except controlled atmosphere and cold) Capacity more than 50,000 MT Capacity up to 50,000 MT Turnover up to 12 Lakhs/annum (NA)
Storage (cold / refrigerated) Capacity more than 10,000 MT Capacity up to 10,000 MT Turnover up to 12 Lakhs/annum (NA)
Storage  (controlled atmosphere         and cold) Capacity more than 1000 MT Capacity up to 1000 MT Turnover up to 12 Lakhs/annum (NA)
Wholesaler Turnover above 30 crores Turnover up to 30 crores Turnover up to 12 Lakhs/annum (NA)
Retailer Turnover above 20 crores Turnover up to 20 crores Turnover up to 12 Lakhs/annum (NA)
Distributor Turnover above 20 crores Turnover up to 20 crores Turnover up to 12 Lakhs/annum (NA)
Supplier Turnover above 20 crores Turnover up to 20 crores Turnover up to 12 Lakhs/annum (NA)
Caterer Turnover above 20 crores Turnover up to 20 crores (NA) All
Hotel 5 star and above 3 star & above and below 5 star OR Up to 3 star and turnover more than 12 lakhs Turnover up to 12 Lakhs/annum (NA)
Restaurant Turnover above 20 crores Turnover up to 20 crores Turnover up to 12 Lakhs/annum Turnover above 12Lakhs/annum Turnover up to 12Lakhs/annum
Transporter Having more than 100 vehicle/ wagon or Turn over above 30 crores Having up to 100 vehicle/ wagon


Turn over up to 30 crores
Turnover up to 12 Lakhs/annum (NA)
Marketer Turnover above 20 crores Turnover up to 20 crores Turnover up to 12 Lakhs/annum (NA)
Club/canteen Premises in Central Government Agencies Turn over more than 12 lakh/ annum Turnover up to 12 Lakhs/annum Turnover above 12Lakhs/annum Turnover up to 12Lakhs/annum
Food catering services which are working in the establishments and units under Central Government Agencies like  Railways, Air and Airport, seaport, Defence, etc. Food catering services in Defence  Locations


Food catering services at seaport    Located at Kandla, Tuticorin, Vishakapatnam, Kolkata, Marmagoa, Cochin, Mumbai, Chennai, JNPT


Airport located at Kolkata, Tiruchy, Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Amritsar, Cochin, Bengaluru, Hyderabad,  Trivandrum, Ahmedabad
Food catering services at seaport    excluding Kandla, Tuticorin, Vishakapatnam, Kolkata, Marmagoa, Cochin, Mumbai, Chennai, JNPT


Excluding Airport located at Kolkata, Tiruchy, Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Amritsar, Cochin, Bengaluru, Hyderabad,  Trivandrum, Ahmedabad
(NA) (NA)
Dhaba, Boarding houses serving food, banquet halls with food catering arrangements, Home based canteens/ Dabbawallas, Permanent/temporary stall holders, food stalls/arrangements in religious gatherings/ fairs etc., Fish/meat/poultry shop/seller or any other food vending establishment Not Eligible under Central License Turn over more than 12 lakh/ annum Turnover up to 12Lakhs/annum (NA)
Hawker(Itinerant/ mobile food vendor) (NA) (NA) All All
Petty Retailer of snacks/tea shops (NA) (NA) All All

Documents Required

A. Applying for New License

  1. 'Form-B,' duly signed and completed.
  2. Blueprint of processing unit showing dimensions (mandatory for manufacturing and processing units).
  3. List of Partners/ Directors/Proprietor/ Trust with full address and contact details ( mandatory for companies).
  4. List of types of machinery and equipment (installed capacity, horsepower).
  5. Address proof and Photo I.D of applicant issued by the Government.
  6. List of food articles desired to be manufactured(in case of Manufacturers).
  7. The Chemical & Bacteriological Analysis report of 'water' to be used as an ingredient in food, from a recognized Public health laboratory.
  8. Sale Deed/ Rent agreement for proof of possession of premises. (optional)
  9. Affidavit of proprietorship/ Partnership Deed. (optional)
  10. A copy of Certificate obtained under Coop Act-1861/ Multi-State Coop Act-2002 in case of Cooperatives.
  11. NOC & Copy of License from Manufacturer (mandatory for re-labellers and repackers only).
  12. Certificate/ Plan of the Food Safety Management System(FSMS).
  13. An 'Authority letter,' with the name and address of the responsible person(along with alternative person) nominated by the manufacturer,  indicating powers vested with them viz assisting the officers in inspections, the collection of samples, packing & dispatch. (for manufacturers/processors)
  14. Source of Milk/ procurement plan for milk including the location of milk collection centres.
  15. Raw material source for meat and meat processing plants. (where applicable)
  16. Report of pesticides residues in water for units which manufacture packaged drinking water.
  17. NOCs from local body.
  18. Form IX: Nominations of persons by a company with the Board Resolution.
  19. For Hotels, it is mandatory to submit the certificate provided by the Ministry of Tourism.
  20. Transporters are mandated to provide supporting documents for proof of turnover/ self-declaration of the number of vehicles.

B. Transfer of License

  1. 'Form-B,' duly signed and completed.
  2. On a letterhead, any change in documents or information provided during grant of the previous license shall be submitted.
  3. Plan/Certificate of the food safety management system.
  4. The List of workers, along with their medical certificates which may be shown at the time of inspection.
  5. Details(Name, qualification) about the technical personnel in charge of the operation. (mandatory for Manufacturing & processing units)
  6. Form IX: Nominations of persons by a company with the Board Resolution.

C. Renewal

  1. 'Form-B,' duly signed and completed.
  2. FSMS Plan/Certificate/Self Declaration regarding FSMS/Annual audit report.
  3. Form IX: Nominations of persons by a company with the Board Resolution.

D. Modification of License

In addition to the documents specified for application of New License,  any change in documents or information provided during grant of the previous license shall be submitted on letterhead.

Fees Structure

A. New License

Rs.5000 /year

  • Manufacturer/miller above 1 MT per day production, 10,001 to 50,000 LPD of milk (or) 501 to 2500 MT of milk solids per annum.
  • Hotels up to 4 Star

Rs.3000 /year

  • Manufacturer/miller below 1 MT per day production, 501 to 10,000 LPD of milk (or) 2.5 MT to 500 MT of milk solids per year.

Rs.2000 /year

All Food Service Providers, which includes restaurants/boarding houses, clubs etc. serving food, Canteen (Schools, Colleges, Office, Institution), Caterers, Banquet halls with food catering arrangements, food vendors like dabbawallas etc & Other Food Business Operator.

B. Renewal of License

The  Renewal fees of License depends on the number of years selected.

C. Modification of License

The  Modification fees of License is the fee for  'One year' per License modification.

D. Duplicate of License

The fees for Duplication of License is 10% of the Applicable License fee.