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National Single Window System (NSWS)

National Single Window System

National Single Window System (NSWS)

The Government of India launched the National Single Window System (NSWS) to explore and apply for all the required approvals to start a business. It acts as a one-stop digital platform for investors and entrepreneurs to get approvals and clearances from the state and central government. This portal allows you to access over 643 central and 6113 state approvals. This article helps you understand the national single window system’s objectives, functions, services, and benefits.

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Objectives of National Single Window System

The following objectives are a national single window system intended to achieve:

  • To provide a one-stop shop for business approvals, streamlining the process for investors.
  • To offer transparency and predictability with clear information and timelines for approvals.
  • To improve the ease of doing business in India, attracting more investments and boosting growth.
  • To potentially reduce costs and delays associated with obtaining business approvals.
  • To promote efficient interaction between businesses and government authorities.
  • To develop trust and confidence among investors through a user-friendly platform.
  • To contribute the economic growth by attracting investments and creating jobs.

Benefits of National Single Window System

As an entrepreneur and investor, you can get the following benefits by using the National single window system.

  • Reduced Time and Complexity: NSWS eliminates the need to navigate multiple government agencies and forms, streamlining the process and saving businesses valuable time and resources.
  • Increased Transparency and Efficiency: The online platform provides real-time tracking of applications, clear timelines, and access to relevant information, making the entire process more transparent and efficient.
  • Lower Costs: By reducing the need for physical visits and intermediaries, NSWS can potentially lower the overall cost of obtaining approvals and licenses.
  • Improved Ease of Doing Business: A simplified and faster approval process attracts investments and makes it easier for businesses to operate in India.
  • Standardized Process: With consistent procedures across various agencies, businesses experience predictability and reduced confusion.

Services offered by National Single Window System:

The National Single Window System provides all the following services to ease the approval process for entrepreneurs and investors.

  • Identification of Approvals: The “Know Your Approvals” (KYA) tool helps users identify the specific approvals they need based on their industry, location, and business type. This reduces the time and effort spent on research.
  • Application for Approvals: Once the required approvals are identified, users can submit their applications electronically through the NSWS portal. This eliminates the need for paper-based applications and manual submissions.
  • Tracking and Status Updates: Users can track the status of their applications in real time and receive updates on any progress or requirements. This transparency helps in planning and managing the approval process efficiently.
  • Payment of Fees: Fees for processing applications can be paid electronically through the NSWS portal, making the process convenient and secure.
  • Document Repository: Users can securely store all documents related to their applications in the digital repository on the NSWS portal. This eliminates the need for physical copies and simplifies record-keeping.
  • Easy Renewals: Approvals that require renewal can be easily renewed through the NSWS portal instead of opting for fresh applications.
  • Information and Support: The NSWS portal provides comprehensive information on approvals, processes, and fees. A dedicated helpdesk is also available to answer user queries and provide support.

How to register in NSWS?

Use the following step-by-step process to register in the National Single Window System.

  1. Go to the portal, click the ‘Login’ button and select the ‘Investor login’.
  2. Registered users can sign in by using their login credentials. New users can click ‘sign up now’ to register.
  3. Enter the details, including full name, email, and password and click on verify to get the OTP on mail ID and phone number.
  4. A green mark will appear after a successful verification
  5. Now, click ‘Sign up now’ to register, and the users will automatically log on to their NSWS account.

To create a business profile:

  1. Select your business’s legal entity type to create a business profile. Click ‘None of these, I’m planning to register a new entity type‘ to apply for a new business entity type.
  2. Select the desired entity type, enter the required information, and Click ‘Next’.
  3. Enter your PAN number and click ‘Get details’.
  4. Verify whether it is your name or not.
  5. Accept the declaration and click ‘Next.’
  6. Enter your postal and registered address and click ‘Next’ TO PROCEED.
  7. Fill in the accurate details in the given required fields and Save it.


The National Single Window System (NSWS) launched by the Government of India offers a transformative approach to business approvals, streamlining processes, enhancing transparency, and improving economic growth. By providing a user-friendly digital platform, NSWS simplifies the approval process for investors and entrepreneurs and benefits the government through increased efficiency, reduced administrative burden, and improved revenue collection. With its standardized procedures and comprehensive services, NSWS represents a significant step towards creating a more conducive environment for business in India, ultimately contributing to the country’s development.

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