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Pasupu Kumkuma Scheme - Eligibility & Application - IndiaFilings Updated on: May 4th, 2019 1:43 AM

Pasupu Kumkuma Scheme

The Andhra Pradesh Government has launched a new scheme called “Pasupu Kumkuma Scheme” to provide financial assistance to women victims, registered with Self Help Groups (SHGs). The primary objective of the scheme is to promote the social and economic empowerment of women in the state. Under this scheme, the beneficiaries of SHGs Groups will be provided with Rs. 10,000 in three phases. In this article, we look at the Pasupu Kumkuma Scheme in detail. To know about Hirkani Maharashtrachi Scheme

Benefits of Pasupu Kumkuma Scheme

Pasupu Kumkuma Scheme has various benefits associated with its use, which is listed below:
  • This scheme helps the poor women who are associated with the SGHs in the state.
  • Each women members of women's self-help groups are provided with a financial aid of Rs. 10000 in three instalments.
  • The beneficiaries are also provided with a smartphone to enable them to avail government services on a digital platform.
  • The state government has allocated Rs. 9400 crore for the implementation of the AP Pasupu Kumkuma.

Eligibility Criteria

The applicant must fulfil the following conditions to apply for the Pasupu Kumkuma Scheme
  • The scheme is applicable only in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
  • Applicant should be a resident of AP State
  • This scheme applies only to the women members of Self Help Groups (SHGs)
  • Only SHGs registered with Development of Women and Children in Rural Area (DWCRA) are eligible to apply for the scheme.
Note: If the women members are not registered with any self-help group in the state, then they would not be able to avail the benefits under this scheme.

Documents Required

The applicant should furnish the following documents/records to apply for the Pasupu Kumkuma Scheme.
  • Self Help Groups SHGs Registration documents.
  • Identity Proof of the Karta: PAN Card, Aadhaar Card, Driving License, Voter ID Card, etc.
  • Address Proof of the Karta: Aadhar Card, Valid Passport, Utility bill, Property tax bill, Telephone bill, etc.
  • Passport-size photographs
  • Application Form (duly filled)
  • Bank Account details

Payments in Installments

The instalment phases involved in the Pasupu Kumkuma Scheme consists of three phases as follows:
S.No. Installment Amount Cheque Distribution Dates
1. First Installment Rs. 2500 It would be the first week of February (2nd February)
2. Second Installment Rs. 3500 It would be the first week of March (8th March)
3. Third Installment Rs. 4000 It would be the first week of April (5th April)

Implementation of the Scheme

Upon the implementation Pasupu Kumkuma Scheme, the self-help groups will be getting better opportunities to become financially self-dependent. These groups would work towards the development of the women members both in the urban and rural areas.

Application Procedure

Pasupu Kumkuma Scheme can be applied by providing a unit to fill up the applications along with the information of the persons who are ready to avail the benefits of this scheme. The online application procedure for this scheme will be intimated in the official portal by the government. The state government is more likely to opt for an online application process for the ease of the applicants. Also read, Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme