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Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana - IndiaFilings Updated on: December 17th, 2019 5:07 PM

Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana

The Government of India has taken an initiative to develop 1000 villages whose total strength of Scheduled Caste is more than 50%. The scheme aims to develop these underprivileged people by implementing all the schemes initiated by the Central and State Governments, thereby benefiting them like any other common man. The scheme was launched in March 2010 and is implemented on a small scale basis. Based on the outcome, the scheme will be implemented at larger scales.


The objective of the scheme is to develop villages consisting more than 50% Scheduled Caste population into 'model villages'. In order to accomplish this, changes like renovation of physical infrastructure, sanitation and environment, human development and social harmony and livelihood of the people are being inculcated.

Features of the Scheme

The Government, through the scheme, has taken various measures for the growth of the villagers, which are as follows:
  • By implementing Bharat Nirman and Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana, the government takes initiatives to develop roads, supply water, provide accommodation and electricity to all villagers.
  • The scheme offers amenities to improve the livelihood of the villagers.
  • The scheme sees to it that the underprivileged villages receive the same basic requirements as other villages.


The scheme executes the following facilities in a village:

Physical Infrastructure

  • All villages will be connected to the nearest all-weather roads, and all the multi-hamlet villages should be connected with each other by all-weather roads.
  • The villages can have access to safe drinking water.
  • Electricity will be provided to all houses.
  • Slush-free internal lanes and adequate street lighting will be a part of every village.
  • Communication facilities like telephones, post offices and internet facilities will be provided.
  • The villages will be provided with banking facilities through Business Correspondent/Business Facilitator Model.
  • New houses will be built to accommodate homeless families.

Sanitation and Environment

  • The scheme establishes Anganwadi centres and schools with adequate facilities for sports, health care and other physical activities.
  • It will be mandatory that all children between the age group of 3 to 6 will have to attend the Anganwadis and children in the age group of 6-14 should be enrolled in schools.
  • All adults will have basic education and should be able to support their children to pursue their higher education.
  • Married women will be provided with primary health care and Reproductive Child Health facilities.
  • 100% institutional deliveries, full immunization of children, and awareness to have a nuclear family will be promoted.
  • Special care will be given to women, girls, senior citizens and disabled people by the villagers.
  • Consumption of liquor and other intoxicating substances in public places would be prohibited.
  • Proper Gram Sabha/Gram Panchayat, women’s/swarozgaris’ Self-help Group, youth club and Mahila Mandal will be constructed in the villages.
  • All caste-based discrimination and untouchability will be abolished and a sense of security and dignity will be implemented in the villages.
  • Awareness will be made for the fundamental and civic duties, to cast their constitutional and legal rights.


  • Employment opportunities and skill developments will be promoted for the livelihood of the citizens.
  • New technologies will be used in all economic activities such as agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, etc.
  • Adequate access to remunerative prices for the agricultural products of the village will be provided.

Implementation of the Scheme

The scheme is executed by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment and is implemented in Assam, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu. The eligible states should choose villages from the same or contiguous districts and has to give preference to the most backward districts.

Village Developments

The scheme strives to develop the villages by:
  • Implementing the Central and State Government schemes.
  • By allocating a sum of Rs. 20 lakhs per village, which is to be funded by the Central Government. Th revenue has to be utilized to implement the above schemes.
  • The State Government will also provide additional funding.