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Birth Certificate Punjab | Online Birth Certificate Apply and Download - IndiaFilings Updated on: May 24th, 2022 2:50 PM

Punjab Birth Certificate

The birth certificate is a legal identity document which is issued by the Chief Registrar in the State. As per the provisions of  Registration of Birth Act, birth registration is mandatory under the Punjab Government. In this article, we look at the procedure for obtaining the birth certificate in Punjab.

Benefits of Birth certificate

There are various benefits for registering birth certificate are listed out:
  • Admission in schools.
  • Obtaining passport, driving license etc.
  • To establish employment to citizens.
  • Proving the age of majority or minority in court.

Eligibility Criteria

The applicant who is a resident of Punjab state can register for the issuance of Punjab birth certificate.

Registering Birth in Punjab

Every individual requires to register their child's birth within 21 days from the date of birth. The concerned persons are responsible for registering the birth under the following circumstance:
  • Birth in urban areas: - If the birth occurs in the hospital, health centre or nursing home, any person who is authorized by the medical institution is responsible for registering the birth in the respective registrar office.
  • Birth in rural areas: - If the birth occurs in a house, the head of the household is eligible to register the birth with the concerned authority.

Required Documents

At the time of submitting the application form furnish the following documents:
  • Medical discharge certificate of the child.
  • Proof of residence.
  • Parent Identity Proof (optional).

Fee structure

The applicant can apply for a birth certificate in Punjab by remitting a fee of Rs.2 per copy.

Online Application Procedure - Urban Areas

To register birth certificate under urban areas, follow the steps given below Step 1: The applicant must visit the official website of Punjab. Step 2: Click on "Citizen login" on the home page of the portal. Step 3:  On the 'Next' page, choose "Issuance of Birth certificate (urban areas)" from the list of online services. Step 4: Then, click on "Apply online" which can be found below the urban birth certificate option. Step 5: Fill the form with required details and attach the scanned documents. Step 6: Finally click on 'Submit' to save your online application form.

Online Application Procedure - Rural Areas

To register birth certificate under rural areas, follow the steps given below Step 1: The applicant must visit the official website of Punjab. Step 2: Click on "Citizen login" on the home page of the portal. Step 3:  On the 'Next' page, choose "Issuance of Birth certificate (rural areas)" from the list of online services. Step 4: Then, click on "Apply online" which can be found below the rural birth certificate option. Step 5: Fill the form with required details and attach the scanned documents. Step 6: Finally click on 'Submit' to save your online application form. Note: After submitting the form online, the applicant receives the acknowledgement number to view your application status. Then the birth certificate will be issued by the concerned authority within seven working days from the date of application.