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Shram Suvidha Portal - Features, Services & Verification | IndiaFilings Updated on: January 12th, 2024 3:17 PM

Shram Suvidha Portal

The Unified Shram Suvidha Portal introduced on 16th October 2014 was developed to make it easier to report inspections and submission of returns. The portal is a single platform of contact between employer, employee and enforcement agencies. Every inspectable unit under the Labour Law has been assigned one Labour Identification Number (LIN) for integration of data amidst several enforcement agencies.

Features of Shram Suvidha Portal

The following are the features of Shram Suvidha Portal.
  • Allotment of Labour Identification Number (LIN) for effective, efficient and real-time governance in Labour Administration.
  • To provide transparency and accountability for enforcing labour laws via Online Inspection System and for the filing of Online Inspection Report.
  • The portal serves as a standard online registration platform, and filing of self-certified ad simplified single online annual return for various labour laws to simplify the complexity of compliance.
  • Unified ECR under EPFO/ ESIC to endorse compliance by deploying transaction costs, thereby promoting ease of business.
The facilities that are offered make the procedures simple, where the returns and registration forms have been unified to thereby making it easy for doing business using the Shram Suvidha Portal. Moreover, the portal is a platform to share information among labour enforcement agencies. The portal facilitates a practical implementation of labour laws contributing to the wage, job and social security of the workers.

Services Offered of Shram Suvidha Portal

Here are the services that are offered by the Shram Suvidha Portal.
  • Facilitates managing, creating, updating inspectable establishments and manages their inspection reports.
  • Online entry by employer, establishment and enforcement agency.
  • Entity verification by the enforcement agency.
  • LIN generation.
  • Email/ SMS notification to the establishment.
  • Users can pre-assign user ID and password.
  • The password can be changed by the user.
  • Inspectable establishments can get their login and passwords online themselves.
  • The first stage for LIN generation by CLC(C) organisation.
  • Online CLC(C) and DGMS annual return submission.
  • Common EPFO and ESIC monthly return submission.
  • LIN data modification and verification.

Annual Return of Shram Suvidha Portal

The annual return of the employees can be filed via the Shram Suvidha Portal. However, there are certain preconditions that have to be fulfilled by the establishment representative before submitting the annual reforms.
  • The employer or the establishment representative has to register at the portal, if not sign up in the portal.
  • The establishment representative has to represent the LIN that is verified.
  • If establishments LIN already exists, the user has to link the LIN with the establishment by choosing 'Link Establishment' option at the left side menu after the login.
  • If there is no LIN, the user has to create owned/ represented establishments and request LIN from the through 'Establishment' option at the left side menu after logging.
  • At the USSP, the establishment representative can file Annual Returns only for Central Government Acts.

Verification of LIN

The following steps have to be followed to verify and modify the information that is associated with LIN. Step 1: Register at the Portal To use this facility, the employer and the establishment representative has to register at the Shram Suvidha Portal. Step 1: Shram Suvidha Portal Step 1: Shram Suvidha Portal Step 2: Know Your LIN The user has to search LIn through the 'Know Your LIN' option. If the establishment's LIN exists, the user has to link the LIN with the establishment by choosing 'Link Establishment' option as the left side menu after logging in. Step 3: Requesting LIN If these if no existing LIN, the user has to create owned/ represented establishments and requests LIN through 'Establishment' option at the left side after logging in.

E-Return Facility of Shram Suvidha Portal

The e-Return facility on the Shram Suvidha Portal facilitates the establishments where the employers can submit the returns under Labour laws online. Shram Suvidha Portal is an official portal of the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India to access the Labour Return about the services of the employers, establishments and other stakeholders.

Link Establishment

In order to represent any establishment at the Shram Suvidha Portal and to become a representative of the establishment that is currently served by other employer or any agency, the user has to link establishment LIN. The following are the registration steps to link an establishment with the account. Step 1: Login to the Portal The user has to login to the Portal. Step 2: Search establishment LIN to link an establishment The user has to check establishment LIN via 'Know Your LIN' option at the main page of the portal. Step 3: Enter the Details If the user finds an establishment LIN, login to the Shram Suvidha account in the home page. The user has to enter the following details.
  • User ID
  • Password
  • Verification code
Once all these details are entered, the user has to click the Submit option. Step 4: Link Establishment After logging in, the users can find a menu at the left-hand side of the screen saying 'Link Establishment' from the menu. Step 5: Enter the Details The link establishment form appears where the user has entered the LIN and the previous representative contact details which are the registered mobile number and the registered email ID. If the user does not have the mobile number and the former representative, fill the LIN number and choose 'generation authorisation letter' option. The user then has to approach the regional head with the generated letter. Once the LIN is linked with the establishment data, the user can see the increase in the number of the establishments that are represented at the home page of the establishment in the establishment list.