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State Industrial Infrastructure Development Scheme (SIIDS) - IndiaFilings Updated on: December 17th, 2019 5:57 PM

State Industrial Infrastructure Development Scheme (SIIDS)

The Government of Haryana under the guidelines of Assistance to States for Developing Export Infrastructure and Allied Activities (ASIDE) scheme has proposed the State Industrial Infrastructure Development Scheme (SIIDS). SIIDS was launched with an objective to strengthen or create industrial infrastructure for the promotion of industrialization in the state. In this article, we look at the State Industrial Infrastructure Development Scheme (SIIDS) in detail.

Also, read about Modified Industrial Infrastructure Upgradation Scheme (MIIUS)

Objective of SIIDS

The objective of the State Industrial Infrastructure Development Scheme (SIIDS) is to upgrade or strengthen the industrial infrastructure for the promotion of sustained industrialization in the Haryana.

Purpose of the Scheme

The purpose for which the funds allocated under the scheme can be utilised are as follows:
  • To create or upgrade basic industrial infrastructures such as road, sewage and electrification.
  • To create technical infrastructure such as Research and Development (R&D) centre, testing laboratory, skill development centre, design development centre.
  • To set up a new exhibition-cum-convention centre.
  • To develop fire fighting stations.
  • To set up common effluent treatment plant .
  • Any other project which is considered significant for the growth of industries in the state of Haryana.

 Eligible Agencies

Under the SIIDS scheme, funds for the approved projects would be sanctioned to the following:
  • State Government Departments.
  • State Public Sector undertaking, Boards and Corporation of State Government.
  • Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) as specified by the Government.
Note: The capacity or strength of the SPV in implementing the technical infrastructure projects which includes exhibition -cum-convention centre would be decided by the State Industrial Infrastructure Development Committee (SIIDC), and the final decision for approval would be considered on the merit of the project. The execution of the project is done through the State Government Agency.

Criteria for Approval of Project

Under this SIIDS scheme, the funding for the approved project would be allocated on the cost-sharing basis in the ratio of 75:25, i.e. 75% of the project cost would be borne by the State Government and balance 25% by the implementing agency. However, the cost of the land will not be considered for funding as a part of the project cost, and it would be verified by the concerned organization or department. The State Industrial Infrastructure Development Committee would consider full funding of the project on merits.

Administrative Expenses

All administrative expenses associated with the implementation of the project will be met by the agency or department concerned out of their own budget and no part of the funds under the scheme has to be utilised to meet such expenses.

Submission of Project Proposal

The applicant will have to follow the given procedure to apply for the State Industrial Infrastructure Development Scheme (SIIDS) scheme: Step 1: The applicant is required to make an application with all aspects related to projects should be supported by surveys, data and projections for future etc. Step 2: The proposal of the project should be accompanied by the following details:
  • Name and current address of the proposing organization.
  • Name and current address of the implementing organization.
  • Status of the implementing agency (whether a government agency or SPV).
  • Financing pattern.
  • Total cost of the project.
  • Whether land, if any, is available for the project.
  • Whether Finance from sources has been tied up.
  • Scope of work (Type of facilities required).
  • Project phasing and date of completion
  • Main benefits are occurring from the project.
Step 3: The details which are specified above should be indicated in the Detailed Project Report (DPR). Also, the report should contain detailed cost-benefit analysis, inter alia, details of the cost of each component of the project benefit from the project in both qualitative and quantitative terms for growth. Step 4: Then the concerned authority will enquire the submitted application in terms of financial and technical conditions and that has to be duly recommended by the Component Authority of the Department or Organisation concerned.

Monitoring and Sanction of the Projects

The projects would be monitored and sanctioned by the State Industrial Infrastructure Development Committee. The Committee should comprise of the following authorities:
S. No Designation Position
1. Chief Secretary to Government of Haryana Chairman
2. Administrative Secretary to Government of Haryana, ULB department Member
3. Administrative Secretary to Government of Haryana, Industries & Commerce Department Member
4. Administrative Secretary to Government of Haryana, Town & Country Planning Department Member
5. Managing Director, Haryana State Industrial & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited Member
6. Chief Administrator, HUDA Member
7. Director of Industries & Commerce, Haryana Member Secretary
Note: Every Organization or Department should submit the quarterly report in the prescribed format as specified in the norms. This form will be used to review the progress of utilisation of funds released to the implementing agency. The annual utilisation of funds should be submitted on Form GFR 19-A (Annexure-III).

 Time Limit

The fund would be released by the Department of Industries and Commerce for the projects sanctioned under the State Industrial Infrastructure Development Scheme (SIIDS) after submission of Utilisation Certificate (UC) by the implementing or nodal agency, and the project should be completed within three years from the submission of application.

Release of Fund

The Department of Industries and Commerce disburse the fund to the implementing agencies in three instalments: 1st Installment: The first instalment of 30% is released by the department as an advance on Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) acquiring land. 2nd Installment: The second instalment of another 30% of the approved fund is released by providing utilisation certificate on the utilisation of the first instalment. 3rd Installment: The third instalment of balance 15% will be reimbursed on completion of the project.

Head of Expenditure

The expenditure should be met under the development of the village and small industries, industrial estates, creation or upgradation and maintenance of industrial infrastructure which as renamed as the development of infrastructure under New Enterprises Promotion Policy.

Other Conditions

The effluent discharged from the Common effluent Treatment plant (CETP) should be as per the State Pollution Board's norms as indicated by the State Pollution Control Board and should have approval from the Haryana State Pollution Control Board. The technical parameters for the construction of the common effluent treatment plant should be as per the guidelines declared by the State Government and the Ministry of Environment from time to time.