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Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan - IndiaFilings Updated on: December 17th, 2019 5:02 PM

Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan

The Union Government of India has launched the Accessible Indian Campaign, which is known as the Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan. This campaign is to improve the accessibility to persons with disabilities. All the States in India are requested to follow the Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995 for non-discrimination in transport and other environment-friendly activities through this campaign.

Objectives of Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan

  • The Campaign mainly aims to enable people with disabilities to gain all universal access. They also get equal opportunities for development and independent living through this campaign.
  • They get a chance to live along with the society in all aspects of their life.
  • The campaign has been launched in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).

Components of the Campaign

  1. Environment Accessibility: To make the environment-friendly and easily accessible by everyone. The measures are taken to eliminate the barriers of indoor and outdoor facilities which include schools, hospitals, and other workplaces. The measures to access will include steps, corridors, footpaths, parking areas, entry and exit gate, emergency exits, toilets, and road crossing.
  2. Transportation accessibility: The transportation facility is the most important component for day to day life activities. Transportation includes lots of areas, including air transport, taxis, buses, trains. The population uses transportation for accessibility. A person with a disability will be given full equal rights to travel and use all public transportation. This will be focussed mainly on the Accessible India Campaign.
  3. Communication and Information Accessibility: Access information gives opportunities for all the people in society to access all the information. Accessing the information means accessing all of the information available in the society such as reading the price tags, enter a particular place, to participate in social events, reading an instruction pamphlet with healthcare information, to view and read the webpages. This Campaign aims at eliminating social barriers and helps in accessing social information in daily life.
To participate in the campaign, new users must register in the portal and access the information:

Goals for the Campaign

  • To make all the railway stations of A1, A and B categories and all the international airports in India to be made accessible to all the disabled people.
  • To convert 10% of all the government public transport carriers in India to be fully accessed by disabled persons.
  • The public documents issued by the Central and State Governments must give 50% accessibility standards for disabled persons.
  • Sign language is one of the main standards of the campaign. The public television news program will have daily news updates with captions and sign language for the disabled people to understand and get knowledge about day to day life incidents.

Accessibility Targets of the Campaign

  • Accessibility audit to be conducted in at least 50% of the most important government buildings and convert them into fully accessible places.
  • Accessibility audit to be conducted in all the International and domestic airports and making them into fully accessible airports.
  • Railways are also conducted with the accessible audit to make the categories of A1, A & B to be fully accessible by the disabled people.
  • Accessibility audit to be conducted with all the other public transport and to make about 25% of them to be fully accessible by the disabled people.
  • Training and developing to be given for 200 additional sign language persons for the accessibility of the disabled person.
  • Accessibility audit to be conducted in most import 50% of the Government buildings in 10 most import cities and towns of all the States of India.
  • Accessible India Campaign gets the help of the Central Government Departments and State Governments for getting fully accessible police stations, hospitals, tourist spots, and digital India.

Participation in the Campaign through Mobile

The Department of Empowerment of persons with disabilities has created an Accessible Campaign mobile app. Along with that, a web portal for crowd management is created. The person seeking the information regarding Government like public places which include schools, hospitals, government offices, etc can be accessed in the Accessible India portal.