Maharashtra Birth Certificate

Maharashtra Birth Certificate In India, every birth has to be registered with the concerned State Government as per the provision of Registration of Birth & Death Act, 1969. The birth certificate is an essential legal document issued by Government to…

Haryana Birth Certificate

Haryana Birth Certificate The birth certificate is an indispensable document that serves as a proof of identity or age for a person in various circumstances. The birth certificate is generally issued upon the birth of a person. The Government authorised…

Telangana Birth Certificate

Telangana Birth Certificate Birth Certificate is an important document issued by Government to record a person's Birth and identify them by name, place, date of birth and parentage. According to the Registration of Birth & Deaths Act, 1969 every birth…

Correction in Kerala Birth Certificate

Correction in Kerala Birth Certificate A birth certificate is an important legal document and any discrepancy in it should be corrected immediately. At times the hospital staffs commit errors while submitting the child's name, parent's names, date of birth, gender…

Birth Certificate Application Process in Kerala

Birth Certificate Application Process in Kerala All Indian Citizens need to obtain a Birth Certificate from the Government to avail various facilities provided by the Government. The birth certificate is an essential document that would be required for admission to…