Delhi Road Tax

Delhi Road Tax Road taxes are levied by the Indian Government in order to maintain the country's state highway and national highway. The collected funds are used to improve road infrastructure and help the commuters. In addition to this, road…

Complete Guide to Obtaining a Delhi Trade License

Complete Guide to Obtaining a Delhi Trade License Trade license is a certificate/ document that permits a company to carry on the business or trade activities in a particular municipal limit for which it is issued. In Delhi, Trade License…

Liquor License in Noida

Liquor License in Noida Obtaining a liquor license is a tedious task as it involves many intricacies, procedures and requirements. The purpose of State Governments issuing liquor license is to keep track of the sale and consumption of alcohol within…

Liquor License in Goa

Liquor License in Goa A liquor license is a permit indicating that the license holder has the right to sell or deal with alcoholic beverages at a particular place. This license is overseen and granted by the State Excise Department…

Delhi Liquor License

Delhi Liquor License Opening a liquor store is brimmed with various intricacies, chief of which is the requirement for a valid liquor license that has to be possessed by the bartender by fulfilling the required criteria. In this article, we…