NIRVIK – Export Credit Insurance Scheme

NIRVIK - Export Credit Insurance Scheme The Government of India (GoI) introduced NIRVIK scheme to ease the lending process and boost loan availability at financial institutions for SMEs, MSMEs and gems, jewellery and diamond (GJD) sectors. The scheme was introduced…

Coffee Export Incentive Scheme

Coffee Export Incentive Scheme The Coffee Board of India has launched the Export Incentive Scheme for Coffee to offer financial incentives and improve the competence of the coffee industry. Under the Export Promotion scheme, coffer exporters are incentivized to offset the transaction costs and also enable…

Rebate of State Levies (RoSL)

Rebate of State Levies (RoSL) Government of India (GoI) has approved the Rebate of State Levies (RoSL) scheme to support the textile sector to boost increase the competitiveness among the global market and create new employment opportunities. Outline of RoSL…

Trade Promotion Scheme

Trade Promotion Scheme The Indian Government has initiated the “Trade Promotion Scheme” for the exporters under the Department of Export Development and Promotion of Spices. Under this scheme, it is proposed to grant financial assistance to the exporters/ research institutions…

Export Market Promotion Scheme (EMP)

Export Market Promotion Scheme (EMP) Export Market Promotion Scheme (EMP) is a Central Government Scheme implemented by the Government of India through the Coir Board. This scheme aims to improve the export performance of the Indian Coir Industry. In this article,…