How many private limited companies are there in India?

How many private limited companies are there in India? The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) of the Government of India maintains a publicly accessible database called the MCA21 portal, which contains information on all registered companies in India. You can…

Section 8 Company Registration

Section 8 Company Registration A company is referred to as a "Section 8" company when it is registered as a non-profit organization (NPO), i.e., when it has the motive of promoting arts, commerce, education, charity, protection of the environment, sports, science,…

How to open a current account for a Private Limited Company?

How to open a current account for a Private Limited Company? Private Limited Company is a popular type entity that is governed under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. A Private Limited Company is a form of business that is privately…

Internal Audit: Objectives, Types, & Process

Internal Audit: Objectives, Types, & Process Internal audit may be defined as an evaluation and analysis of a business operation that is conducted by the internal audit staff of the same business entity. Internal audits are considered as a part…

Chit Fund Company

Chit Fund Company A Chit Funds is a popular type of savings scheme in India - a main part of the unorganized money market industry. Chit funds provide access to savings and borrowings for people with limited access to banking…