How to Draft a Legal Notice for Trademark Infringement?

How to Draft a Legal Notice for Trademark Infringement? Trademark infringement occurs when someone uses a trademark that is confusingly or deceptively similar to your registered trademark. It misleads consumers and harms your brand reputation. A legal notice serves as…

Trademark Cases in India

Trademark Cases in India A trademark is a unique identifier legally protecting a business's name, logo, or slogan. It signifies the origin and quality of goods and services, gaining consumer trust and brand recognition. However, deceptively similar marks can infringe…

Can you have a trademark without registering?

Can you have a trademark without registering? An individual can have a trademark without registering as in India, 'registration' of a trademark is not compulsory; both registered and unregistered trademarks can be protected against misuse. An "unregistered trademark" has no…

Intellectual Property Laws in India

Intellectual Property Laws in India The twenty-first century witnessed the emergence of “Intellectual Capital” as a key wealth driver of international trade between countries, thanks to rapid globalization and liberalization of economies the world over. Intellectual property rights have become…

Trade Mark – Registration Process & Validity

Trade Mark – Registration Process & Validity (4 Step Process) Trade mark is a symbol, combination of characters or numerals used by a company to uniquely identify its goods or services from others in the market. Trade mark registration can help…