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Tripura Income Certificate - Eligibility & Application - IndiaFilings Updated on: March 6th, 2020 5:10 PM

Tripura Income Certificate

Income certificate is a document that records and states the income details of an individual earned from all sources. This certificate includes income detail of an individual or a family. Also, Income certificate is used to avail subsidies and benefits that are offered by the State Government of Tripura to its residents. In this article, we look at the procedure for obtaining Tripura income certificate in detail.

Benefits of Income Certificate

The following are the benefits of Tripura Income certificate:
  • Income certificate requires to avail tax relaxation at the time of land/property purchase.
  • Income certificate helps to avail fee concession and quota reservation in an educational institution.
  • Income certificate is mandatory while getting certain loans from the bank and financial organization in Tripura.
  • Income certificate is must be submitted to get pension provided by the Government.

Calculating Annual Income

When submitting a request for income certificate, the applicant should calculate the annual income of the family, which is the income earned by all family members. The income of a family includes a sum of income from applicant, spouse, mother, father and unmarried family members. The following annual income of a family must be incorporated while calculating the annual income:
  • Income from business
  • Income from Property
  • Income from NRI member
  • Income from labour
  • Pension amount
  • Salary of all the family member
  • Rental income
The following annual incomes of a family are not to be incorporated while calculating the income of a family.
  • Terminal benefits
  • Festival allowance
  • The income of widow daughter or sister
  • Surrender leave salary.

Documents Required

The following are the required documents while applying for the Tripura Income certificate.
  • Application Form
  • Family Ration Card
  • PRTC (Permanent Resident of Tripura Certificate ) of the Applicant
  • Photo ID Proof of the Applicant ( Driving License, PAN Card, Passport, Voter ID Card, Aadhaar Card, Bank Passbook)
  • DDO (Drawing and Disbursing Officer) certificate of the applicant
  • Pay Slip from employer (if employed)

Application Procedure

Step 1: Visit the home page Digital Seva of Tripura. [caption id="attachment_57156" align="aligncenter" width="1366"]Tripura-Income-Certificate-Home-Page Tripura-Income-Certificate-Home-Page Step 2: Click on " Download Forms" option which will navigate to the next window where select "Income Certificate" option. [caption id="attachment_57158" align="aligncenter" width="1366"]Tripura-Income-Certificate-Download-Form Tripura-Income-Certificate-Download-Form Step 3: Now, download the application form in a PDF format as attached below: Step 4: In Tripura, E- Suvidha centres are providing the facility of Income Certificate. Applicants carrying the following list of documents, can visit nearest centres and apply there or fill up the application form correctly and submit it to the nearest office of SDM (Sub Divisional Magistrate). The concerned authority will issue the income certificate within 15 working days from the date of application.