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Uttarakhand RERA Project Registration - IndiaFilings Updated on: December 17th, 2019 6:05 PM

Uttarakhand RERA Project Registration

As per the provisions under the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, RERA registration is compulsory for all commercial and residential real estate project of the state. Every promoter has to make an application to the authority for registration of real estate project. In this article, we review the procedure for obtaining Uttarakhand RERA Project Registration in detail.

Eligibility Criteria for Registration

  • Any commercial real estate projects land is over 500 square metres.
  • Any residential real estate projects land is over 500 square meters or eight apartments, has to register with the (RERA) Real Estate Regulatory Authority for selling a project.
  • For on-going projects which have not received completion certificate on the date of commencement of the Act, will have to seek registration within three months.
  • Any real estate agents who promote selling or purchase of properties must obtain prior registration from RERA.
  • Such agents will be given with a single registration number for each State or Union Territory, which has to be mentioned by the agent in every sale facilitated by him.

Documents Required

All promoters are required to furnish the following documents along with the application form.
  • PAN Card copy of the promoter.
  • The audited balance sheet of the promoter for the previous financial year.
  • Promoter income tax return for three preceding financial years.
  • Details of the available parking areas in the real estate project.
  • Copy of the legal title deed representing the title of the promoter to the land on which development of the project is proposed along with legally valid documents for the with authentication of the title.
  • Encumbrance details on which development is proposed including any rights, title, interest, dues, litigation and name of the party in or over such property or non-encumbrance certificate through an Advocate having experience of at least ten years.
  • Photograph, contact details, Personal information and promoter address if it is an individual the name, photograph, contact details and address of the Partners, Chairman, Directors and the authorised person in case of other entities.

Application Procedure for RERA Registration

To register for RERA projects in the state of Uttarakhand, follow the steps mentioned below: Visit Official Portal Step 1: The applicant has to approach the official site of Uttarakhand Real Estate Regulatory Authority. Project Registration Step 2: Click on “Project Registration” tab which is present on the homepage of the portal. [caption id="attachment_76701" align="aligncenter" width="453"]Uttarakhand RERA Registration - Image 1 Uttarakhand RERA Registration - Image 1 Type of Promoter Step 3: Choosethe promoter category whether individual or societies or company/partnership firm/LLP/Trust/HUF and then type your email id click on “Next” button. [caption id="attachment_76702" align="aligncenter" width="490"]Uttarakhand RERA Registration - Image 2 Uttarakhand RERA Registration - Image 2 Step 4: On the following page where the user has to enter the OTP provided in the email and entered the mobile number. [caption id="attachment_76703" align="aligncenter" width="484"]Uttarakhand RERA Registration - Image 3 Uttarakhand RERA Registration - Image 3 Promoter Details Step 5: Fill the details of promoter such as promoter name, PAN number, mobile number, address, company registration number and then click on “Next button. [caption id="attachment_76705" align="aligncenter" width="624"]Uttarakhand RERA Registration - Image 4 Uttarakhand RERA Registration - Image 4 Project Details Step 6: Now enter the details of project for registration like project name, description of the project, project start date, project start date, land cost and total project cost. Development Details Step 7: You need to enter the development of registration like the type of inventory, the number of inventory available for sale, carpet area, the area of the balcony, area of private open terrace. External Development Work Details Step 8: Fill the internal development work details such as road system, water supply, sewage and drainage’s, electricity supply, solid waste management. Project Banks Details Step 9: Fill the project bank details for registration like bank detail, branch name, account name and IFSC code. Project Architects Details Step 10: Fill the project architects details for registration like bank agent registration number, agent name, agent address. Project Structural Engineers Step 11: Fill the project Structural Engineers for registration engineer name, address, pin code, email id, year of establishment. Project Contractor Details Step 12: Fill the project contractor details for registration like contractor name, address, email id, year of establishment and then click on the “Next” button. Upload Documents Step 13: After filling the required details for the registration of projects and then upload all the specified documents. Online Payment Step 14: You have to make online payment for registration after submission of online application for RERA projects. Payment Gateway Step 15: The current page will be redirected to the payment gateway provide your user id and password to access your online payment services. Receive Acknowledgement Step 16: After making the payment you will receive a message that your project registration has been submitted successfully and also you will be provided with the acknowledgement number that can be used for further reference.

Penalty for Non-Registration of Projects

In case of non-registration of the Uttarakhand real estate project, will impose a penalty of up to 10% of the project cost and in case of extended default, an extra penalty up to 10% of the project cost or imprisonment up to three years or both.