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Yuvashree Prakalpa | Apply Online for Yuvashree Prakalpa Yojana - Indiafilings Updated on: April 21st, 2022 6:25 PM

Yuvasree Prakalpa Yojana

The Government of West Bengal has launched the scheme known as Yuvasree Prakalpa Yojana in the year of 2013. Yuvasree Prakalpa Yojana is a financial assistance scheme for the unemployed youth to increase their employment opportunity in the state. In this article, we look at the Yuvasree Prakalpa Yojana in detail.

Objective of the Scheme

The objective of the scheme is to afford financial assistance to registered jobseekers of employment bank to empower them to upgrade their level of skill to make them employable or suitable for setting up of self-employment ventures.


Under the Yuvasree Prakalpa scheme, the eligible applicant will receive the monthly financial assistance of an amount of Rs.1500 from the State Government.

Eligibility Criteria

To apply for unemployment assistance under this scheme a person should possess the following criteria:
  • Only one member of a family will get financial assistance under this scheme.
  • Applicant between the age of 18-45 will be eligible for Yuvasree Scheme.
  • Applicant should be enrolled in an employment bank.
  • Applicant should be the resident of West Bengal.
  • Applicant should be unemployed and enrolled as job-seeker.
  • Applicant should pass the 8th class and above.
  • Applicant should not avail any financial assistance under state government related to the self-employed scheme.

Documents Required

The following documents must be furnished along with the application form.
  • Copy of higher secondary mark sheet.
  • Other educational certificates, optional.
  • Voter ID.
  • PAN card.
  • Bank account details (copy of bank passbook).

Registration Procedure

Before applying for the scheme, the applicant has to register their register name on employment bank, follow the below-mentioned steps to get registered online. Step 1: The applicant has to visit the official website of the employment bank of West Bengal to register as a job seeker. Step 2: Click on "New Enrollment Job Seeker" button, and then the terms and conditions for registering will be displayed. [caption id="attachment_54954" align="aligncenter" width="733"]Step-2-Yuvasree-Prakalpa-Yojana Step 2 Yuvasree Prakalpa Yojana Step 3: Click on "Accept and Continue" option. [caption id="attachment_54955" align="aligncenter" width="745"]Step-3-Yuvasree-Prakalpa-Yojana Step 3 Yuvasree Prakalpa Yojana Step 4: Then the application form will open on the next screen. [caption id="attachment_54957" align="aligncenter" width="725"]Step-4-Yuvasree-Prakalpa-Yojana Step 4 Yuvasree Prakalpa Yojana Step 5: Fill the form with required details and click on "Save" button to save your data. Step 6: The applicant will receive a registration number as an acknowledgement to confirm your successful registration. Note: The applicant has to visit your nearest employment exchange with all the required documents and the employment Bank registration number to apply for Yuvasree Prakalpa scheme.

Yuvasree Prakalpa Scheme Application Procedure

To apply for the scheme, kindly follow the steps specified here. Step 1: Visit the employment bank website of West Bengal again. Step 2: Download the form for unemployment assistance (Annexure-1 and Annexure-2). Step 3: Fill the application form with required details and submit the application form to the sub-divisional office. Note: The list of selected candidate details will be published on the official portal of the employment bank. Sanctioned funds will be transferred to the registered bank account of the eligible candidate.