SHARNID Innovations LLP
SHARNID Innovations LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) registered in India having its registered office at J.No 11(407/52)E,28 th cross Jayanagar 4th block, Bengaluru 560011 Jayangar III Block Bangalore South Bangalore Karnataka 560011. The LLP was registered on 18-01-2023 with Registrar of Companies RoC-Bangalore. The activity classification of the LLP is .
LLPIN | ABZ-8900 |
LLP Name | SHARNID Innovations LLP |
Number of Partners | 2 |
Number of Designated Partners | 2 |
ROC Code | RoC-Bangalore |
Date of Incorporation | 18-01-2023 |
Registered Address | J.No 11(407/52)E,28 th cross Jayanagar 4th block, Bengaluru 560011 Jayangar III Block Bangalore South Bangalore Karnataka 560011 |
Email Id | |
Previous firm/company details, if applicable | |
Total Obligation of Contribution | 1,00,000 |
Main division of business activity to be carried out in india | 79 |
Description of main division | |
Date of last financial year end date for which Statement of Accounts and Solvency filed | |
Date of last financial year end date for which Annual Return filed | None |
LLP Status | |
Last Updated On | 19-01-2023 |
Directors/Signatory Details
DIN/PAN | Name | Begin Date |
07197751 | SAKSHI SHAILESH DESHAPANDE | 18-01-2023 |